Informatievlaanderen / OSLOthema-consent

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Seppe Vansteelant: What is the difference between PersonalDataType and PersonalDataCategory? #40

Open michaelgeamanu opened 2 years ago

GeertThijs commented 2 years ago

There is indeed overlap. Moreover, PersonalDataType seems more like broad categories and subcategories wat is called PersonalDataCategory is clearly more specific. image In the remapped model (see issue #46) we kept one attribute Personaldata.type and propose to fuse both codelists.

GeertThijs commented 2 years ago

Only one of the 2 broad categories used in OSLO-Consent:PersonalDataType (namely SensitivePersonalData) can be found in the DPV model: image Moreover, the DPV classification does not specify the subject of the data (eg medical, salary etc), it rather focusses on subclassing the broader classes PersonalData and NonPersonalData (the latter being eg anonymised data) altough there are some additional vategories like SyntheticData. So if there ia need for a thematic classification an extra attribute and codelist should indeed be added.

SeppeVansteelant commented 1 year ago

In the GDPR (and in the opnions and recommendations of the EDPB and Data Protection Authorities) the term 'categories' is used as a thematic classification: ex. Identity data, location data, data concerning health, ...

The above list seems different from that. Data 'type' is not used in the GDPR and could be used for this classification.