Informatievlaanderen / OSLOthema-consent

GitHub repository for the OSLO trajectory "consent"
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ConsentStatus combines type and status #45

Open GeertThijs opened 1 year ago

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

In GConsent as well as in OSLO Consent the codelist ConsentStatus mixes types of Consent (ExpressedConsent, ImpliedConsent etc) with the status of a Consent (ValidForProcessing with GivenConsent, InvalidForProcessing with values Expired, Invalidated etc). this hampers applications that want to filter eg on ExpressedConsents only for subsequent processing. In the DPV ontology both type and status are seperate.

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

To complement the above comment this is the way consentType it is modelled in DPV: image ConsentStatus looks like this: image

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

This is the model in GConsent: image Where, as said, explicitlyGiven and implicitlyGiven are both classified as StatusValidForProcessing. This can be altered as this is a codelist, but as said: this mixes type with status. Another issue here is that givenBydelegation overlaps with the other values, a Consent givenByDelegation is also an explicitlyGiven Consent.

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

And in OSLO Consent we have the following: image Were there is no Class for Status but just an enumeration. REMARK: withdrawnByDataRequester should be revoked (as it is called in DPV + DataRequester is no longer an existing concept in OSLO Consent) and cancelledByDataSubject corresponds with withdrawn in DPV.

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

REMARK: For clarity, the models for consentType from GConsent and DPV above are illustrated by means of subclasses, in the remapping excercise (see issue #46) we implemented this with a structured enumeration (ie a skos codelist).