Informatievlaanderen / OSLOthema-mobiliteitDienstregelingEnPlanning

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Relation to OSLO Mobiliteit Trip en Aanbod #1

Open pomgod opened 3 years ago

pomgod commented 3 years ago

What is the relation with OSLO Mobiliteit Trip en Aanbod? In this AP, "Dienstregeling" is also used and defined as well as stops (routeknoop), transfer points, trip segments,... etc. The goal of OSLO Mobiliteit Trip en Aanbod was to define a profile that could be used across modes hence also cover the NeTeX/PublicTransit case. By starting from scratch again we're building an extra container.

Suggestion: extend OSLO Mobiliteit Trip en Aanbod with the topics/structures from this AP or make sure that naming is aligned.

timconinx commented 3 years ago

OSLO Mobiliteit Trips&Aanbod is the flemish standard covering (public) transport on demand, while OSLO Mobiliteit Dienstregeling&Planning is the flemish standard covering structural public transport. The reason why the last one was created is because it has to be lifted up to federal level to be positioned as the standard Belgian NeTEx profile.

While I agree that the naming should be aligned as closely as possible to highlight the similarities and connections, it is important to see the conceptual differences (also in reason for existence) between the two application profiles: Trips&Aanbod, by dMOW, covers exactly what is required for running the Mobiliteitscentrale Dienstregeling&Planning, by FOD Mobilit and the 4 PTOs, is the basis for NeTEx-Belgium

GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

We removed the original inheritance from T&O objects in NETEX Belgium 1) because of the language difference that has to be amended (see issue #2) and 2) because inheritance implies extra attributes and associations with possible overlaps. No resources for any of these tasks is available right now.

GeertThijs commented 7 months ago

Can be closed.