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Accessibility Model? #12

Closed Slusep closed 7 months ago

Slusep commented 1 year ago

What are the plans for developping an accessibility model? The following items from MMTIS delegated regulation 2017/1926 list the following items that I don't see correctly supported.

Level 1

(vii) Stop facilities access nodes (including platform information, help desks/information points, ticket booths, lifts/stairs, entrances and exit locations) (viii) Vehicles (low floor; wheelchair accessible.) (ix) Accessibility of access nodes, and paths within an interchange (such as existence of lifts, escalators) (x) Existence of assistance services (such as existence of on-site assistance Level 2 b) Information service: Where and how to buy tickets for scheduled modes, demand responsive modes modes and demand-responsive incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods) (ii) Vehicle facilities such as classes of carriage, on-board Wi-Fi.

In term of vehicule facilities we have a nice set of additional facilities that could be included such as bike allowed luggage racks and size quiet vehicle wifi toilet air conditioning single / double deck

skinkie commented 1 year ago

You want to check EPIAP.

GeertThijs commented 9 months ago


Could not find a specification, probably because it still is in development?

GeertThijs commented 9 months ago

What are the plans for developping an accessibility model? The following items from MMTIS delegated regulation 2017/1926 list the following items that I don't see correctly supported.

Acessibility info is included in the model as follows (in accordance with the EPIP profile on NETEX that we use here):

However the AccessibilityAssessment class has no attributes right now, which is an oversight we will correct ASAP.

skinkie commented 9 months ago


Could not find a specification, probably because it still is in development?

It is being voted on, but you can access it via basecamp or check the XSD in the repository.

GeertThijs commented 9 months ago

However the AccessibilityAssessment class has no attributes right now, which is an oversight we will correct ASAP.

The class AccessibilityAssessment has the necessary attributes now, but we improved the way NETEX has modelled it. In stead of hard coding AccessibilityTypes we added a codelist. This allows for types to be added later, eg when EPIAP will be finished. Also this approach aligns better with existing models used by PTO's like De Lijn. See attached analysis for further explanation. Toegankelijkheid.pdf

GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

In term of vehicule facilities we have a nice set of additional facilities that could be included such as bike allowed luggage racks and size quiet vehicle wifi toilet air conditioning single / double deck

There is a ServiceFacilitySet class in the model, but it had no attributes until now. This is corrected in the current version: attributes commonFacility, serviceFacility and accomodation were added, the latter further attributed with fareClass, accomodationFacility, nuisanceFacility and passengerCommsFacility. Corresponding enumerations were added which will have to be developed as skos:Conceptschemes with values from annex B of EPIP.

Slusep commented 8 months ago

That's a smart solution :) like that. Shall the Specifications be updated as well?

GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

Follow the versionless link to navigate to the latest version: I still have to write the definitions and usageNotes though.

GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

Definitions written. This one can be closed.

Slusep commented 7 months ago

agreed for closing

Slusep commented 7 months ago

checked and verified