Informatievlaanderen / OSLOthema-mobiliteitDienstregelingEnPlanning

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formal issues #14

Closed Slusep closed 7 months ago

Slusep commented 1 year ago

a small list of items that need to be written in English 1) Line String Usage Een curve is een 1-dimensioneel geometrisch object gedefinieerd als een sequentie van punten. De interpolatie kan op verschillende manieren gebeuren (bv lineair bij een lijnstring).


Dagtype | Day Type | 1 | Referentie naar verbonden klasse. |   |   -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- date | Date | 0..1 | Date of the Day Type Assignment. |   |   Dienstkalender | Service Calendar | 1 | Referentie naar verbonden klasse. |   [Dagtype]( [Day Type]( 1 Referentie naar verbonden klasse. date [Date]( 0..1 Date of the Day Type Assignment. Dienstkalender [Service Calendar]( 1 Referentie naar verbonden klasse. schematic image for stop places two enumerations are not correctly enumerated (first 3 are listed and then etc is used) . Since the image is the only place where we enumerate or we should enumerate everything in it or we should document all enumerations in full details as text outside of the image so that we are complete, or use EU netext reference for them ![model](
GeertThijs commented 9 months ago
  1. First point is corrected, see latest version
  2. This is a bug in the toolchain, already reported but not yet corrected.
  3. The codelists in the diagram are for illustrative purposes only. A comment has been added to the summary for clarification.
GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

This one can be closed.

Slusep commented 7 months ago

ok closing