Informatievlaanderen / OSLOthema-mobiliteitDienstregelingEnPlanning

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Journey part for trains? #7

Open Slusep opened 1 year ago

Slusep commented 1 year ago

Is it a wish to NOT support journey parts for train and to NOT support coupled/decoupled train?

GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

Is indeed missing right now. Important for Time Tables as the passenger needs to know that his train wil be split up, and also for Vehicle Scheduling (impact on blocks?). Only problem: not discussed in the Working Groups, I think because we missed a well documented example in EPIP format. Can anyone find such an example?

GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

Found an example in NETEX part 2: image

skinkie commented 8 months ago

There are examples from Mike Stallybrass funded by Entur in Norway for this specific work, you might want to review Basecamp.

GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

There are examples from Mike Stallybrass funded by Entur in Norway for this specific work, you might want to review Basecamp.

Links please...

skinkie commented 8 months ago

There are examples from Mike Stallybrass funded by Entur in Norway for this specific work, you might want to review Basecamp.

Links please...

Are you on basecamp in the first place? If not, I would need to invite you.

GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

There are examples from Mike Stallybrass funded by Entur in Norway for this specific work, you might want to review Basecamp.

Links please...

Are you on basecamp in the first place? If not, I would need to invite you.

Oeps, not on Basecamp. I do not even know what it is, some Github alternative?

skinkie commented 8 months ago

It is where the actual NeTEx/SIRI/Transmodel standardisation happens.

GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

Oké, thanks for the invitation. I am on Basecamp.

GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

Added the relevant classes to the application profile Time Tables. There are extra classes for the association with Blocks via the class Blockpart (not partr of EPIP). However, these were not added to the application profile VehickeScheduling because 1) very complicated model (see picture attached) and 2) not discussed in the Working group as a use case or model.


GeertThijs commented 8 months ago

Can be closed.