Informatievlaanderen / VSDS-LDESServer4J

Linked Data Event Streams Server for Java
European Union Public License 1.2
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Doc: max-age or maxage? for catching headers. #1185

Closed xdxxxdx closed 8 months ago

xdxxxdx commented 9 months ago

In the documentation, rest. max-age is used as a configuration key for mutable caching headers. But In the example of configurations, which is maxage

p.s. max-age is not working if set to ldes-server.config, I think the doc should be changed accordingly. Thanks

Yalz commented 8 months ago

Hi @xdxxxdx , It's true that it can be confusing between the different casing types. However, camelCase, kebab-case and snake_case. can be used interchangeably in spring configuration. So both are correct