Informatievlaanderen / VSDS-LDESServer4J

Linked Data Event Streams Server for Java
European Union Public License 1.2
8 stars 8 forks source link

Create version objects on LDES Server, Mandate ldes:timestampPath #1233

Closed xdxxxdx closed 3 months ago

xdxxxdx commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

  1. An LDES Server up and running: ldes/ldes-server:2.12.0-SNAPSHOT
  2. The stream bearb is configured as follow:
    @prefix ldes:    <> .
    @prefix tree:    <>.
    @prefix dcterms: <> .
    @prefix prov:    <> .
    @prefix sh:      <> .

a ldes:EventStream ; tree:shape [ a sh:NodeShape ] ; ldes:timestampPath dcterms:created ; ldes:createVersions true ; ldes:versionOfPath dcterms:isVersionOf .

3. Ingest state member of `bearb` to the LDES Server which doesn't contain `dcterms:created ` => The member is ingested and categorized to **`unknown` fragmentation**, as `dcterms:created` has not been added to the member.

**Expected result**
I think the `  ldes:timestampPath` should be created for any predict configured by  `ldes:timestampPath` when the ` ldes:createVersions` enabled.
Otherwise, we cannot reject the member if the member contains the `ldes:timestampPath` path.
xdxxxdx commented 3 months ago

Configuration issue