Informatievlaanderen / VSDS-LDESServer4J

Linked Data Event Streams Server for Java
European Union Public License 1.2
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Add datatype tree:Node #765

Closed xdxxxdx closed 1 year ago

xdxxxdx commented 1 year ago

Docker image: ldes/ldes-server:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT According to the Tree Spec:

A tree:Relation MUST have one tree:node object of the type tree:Node.

Our current output e.g.:

@prefix kbo:   <http://localhost:8080/kbo/> .
@prefix ldes:  <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix shacl: <> .
@prefix terms: <> .
@prefix tree:  <> .

kbo:by-page  rdf:type  tree:Node ;
        tree:relation  [ rdf:type   tree:Relation ;
                         tree:node  <http://localhost:8080/kbo/by-page?pageNumber=1>
                       ] .

        rdf:type            ldes:EventStream ;
        ldes:timestampPath  terms:issued ;
        ldes:versionOfPath  terms:isVersionOf ;
        tree:view           kbo:by-page .

kbo:shape  rdf:type        shacl:NodeShape ;
        shacl:deactivated  true ;
        shacl:nodeShape    [ shacl:closed         true ;
                             shacl:propertyShape  [] 
                           ] .

I think a datatype should be added e.g. tree:node "<http://localhost:8080/kbo/by-page?pageNumber=1>"^^tree:Node;

Please feel to leave comment. Thanks

WLefever-Cegeka commented 1 year ago

Hi @xdxxxdx , It seems to me that http://localhost:8080/kbo/by-page?pageNumber=1 is an entity and therefore the current statement <someRelation> tree:node <http://localhost:8080/kbo/by-page?pageNumber=1> is correct. The suggestion you make would treat "http://localhost:8080/kbo/by-page?pageNumber=1" as a literal, in your case a literal of type <>. That doesn't seem correct.

xdxxxdx commented 1 year ago

Hi @WLefever-Cegeka Thanks for reply. Yes, you are right, that make sense.