Informatievlaanderen / VSDS-Linked-Data-Interactions
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Rdf-writer defined within the Ldio:HttpOut component seemingly does not apply a specified frame to the output #655

Open StijnDenisSirus opened 3 months ago

StijnDenisSirus commented 3 months ago

Versions ldes/ldi-orchestrator:2.3.0-SNAPSHOT and onwards

Describe the bug An rdf-writer defined within the Ldio:HttpOut component seemingly does not apply a specified frame to the output. This issue seems to occur from ldes/ldi-orchestrator:2.3.0-SNAPSHOT onwards (only verified myself in 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT, 2.5.1 and 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT).

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. ldes/ldi-orchestrator:2.3.0-SNAPSHOT (or later) is running with the following configuration:

server: port: 80

  1. A pipeline with the following configuration is successfully sent to the LDIO:

    name: telraam_observations
    description: This pipeline will take data from the Telraam ldes server and send to an Azure function
    name: Ldio:LdesClient
    sourceFormat: text/turtle
      enabled: true
    - name: Ldio:SparqlConstructTransformer
      query: |
        PREFIX geojson: <>
        PREFIX location: <>
        PREFIX locn: <>
        PREFIX terms: <>
        PREFIX ngsi-ld: <>
        PREFIX OM: <>
        PREFIX time: <>
        PREFIX sosa: <>
        PREFIX seb: <>
        PREFIX schema: <>
        PREFIX prov: <>
        PREFIX verkeersmetingen: <>
        PREFIX sf: <>
        PREFIX geosparql: <>
        PREFIX geojson: <>
        CONSTRUCT {
          ?obs a verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeting ;
          verkeersmetingen:kenmerkType [
            a ngsi-ld:Property;
            ngsi-ld:hasValue ?strkenmerktype
          verkeersmetingen:voertuigType [
            a ngsi-ld:Property;
            ngsi-ld:hasValue ?strvoertuigtype          
          OM:OM_Observation.result [
            a ngsi-ld:Property;
            ngsi-ld:hasValue ?strvalue
          schema:unitCode [
            a ngsi-ld:Property;
            ngsi-ld:hasValue ?strunit
          OM:OM_Observation.phenomenonTime [
            a ngsi-ld:Property;
            ngsi-ld:hasValue ?strbeginTime 
          ngsi-ld:location [
            a ngsi-ld:GeoProperty;
            ngsi-ld:hasValue [
              a geojson:Point;
              geojson:coordinates (
        WHERE {
          ?versieObs a verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeting ;
          terms:isVersionOf ?obs ; 
          <>|<> [ 
            verkeersmetingen:voertuigType  ?voertuigtype ;
            <>|<>  ?kenmerktype
          ] ;
          verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject [ 
            a  verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt;
            <> [ 
              a sf:Point;
              geosparql:asWKT  ?wkt
          OM:OM_Observation.phenomenonTime/time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDDateTimeStamp ?beginTime ;
          #OM:OM_Observation.phenomenonTime/time:hasXSDDuration ?duration ;
          OM:OM_Observation.result/schema:value | <> ?value .
        OPTIONAL {
          ?versieObs OM:OM_Observation.result/schema:unitCode ?unit .
        BIND (strafter(strbefore(str(?wkt), ' '), 'POINT(') as ?lat)
        BIND (strafter(strbefore(str(?wkt), ')'), ' ') as ?lon)
        BIND (str(?kenmerktype) as ?strkenmerktype)
        BIND (str(?voertuigtype) as ?strvoertuigtype)
        BIND (str(?value) as ?strvalue)
        #BIND (str(?unit) as ?strunit)
        BIND (IF(BOUND(?unit), str(?unit), 'aantal') as ?strunit)
        BIND (str(?beginTime) as ?strbeginTime)
    - name: Ldio:HttpOut
      endpoint: http://host.docker.internal:7071/api/http_trigger_reformat
      content-type: application/ld+json
        content-type: application/ld+json
        frame: |
            "@context": "",
            "@type": ""

4. The output sent to the Ldio:HttpOut endpoint will not have the specified frame applied (see screenshots).

**Expected behavior**
The frame specified in the rdf-writer should be applied to the data sent to the endpoint (see screenshots).

Output for ldes/ldi-orchestrator:2.2.0-SNAPSHOT (reference)
![HttpOut_2 2 0-SNAPSHOT](

Output for ldes/ldi-orchestrator:2.3.0-SNAPSHOT or later
![HttpOut_2 3 0-SNAPSHOT_1](
![HttpOut_2 3 0-SNAPSHOT_2](