Informatievlaanderen / VSDS-Tech-Docs

Technical documentation, part of the VSDS Portal
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docs/_quickstart/ is not clear and has errors #39

Open mirchat opened 5 months ago

mirchat commented 5 months ago

Describe the BUG First of all, I find that is not explained what you want to show with this examples. 2 ldes:EventStream are created: observations and mobility-hindrances

The creation of the 2 event streams is done differently: a ldes:EventStream ; server:observations a ldes:EventStream ; Why is that ? Does it mean that the 2 event streams are handled differently by the server ?

I continue: observations will process members of type “” mobility-hindrances will process members of type “” So I understand they are completely different, even though they have the same root..

I POST 3 observations on localhost:8080/observations. If I go to localhost:8080/observations/by-page?pageNumber=1 I do find the 3 observations.. so OK.. Than the doc says "Validate your LDES server is being populated by going to http://localhost:8080/mobility-hindrances/by-page?pageNumber=1 and http://localhost:8080/mobility-hindrances/time-based. These streams should fill up as the LDES Client send members to your server." How can I expect to have any results on mobility-hindrances when I post observations ? How are the 2 event streams linked together ? I was thinking that some config/istructions specified in ldio.yml would do the link between observations and mobility-hindrances, but I do not see it.

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samuvack commented 4 months ago

Dear @mirchat,

I will rework this part of the tech docs today. Hopefully the quick start will then be more clear.