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Mask Literal Quotations for Bias Scoring #6

Open jochenleidner opened 3 months ago

jochenleidner commented 3 months ago

Quotations (i.e., text spans between double quotes - "..." at least and all Unicode pairs at best - should be replaced by a dummy string e.g. "(some text)" in order to avoid many false positives that neutrally reported a charged utterance reported by a news story. In other words, quotations should not change the bias assessment of the news stories they contain.

Timperator2 commented 3 months ago

I think we discussed this a few times and i tend to disagree on that one. Of course, merely quoting somebody biased does not make the whole article biased, but i see no harm in pointing out bias in the statements of people that are quoted. Quite the opposite actually, i think it adds additional value to the whole report. (Also this would only filter out direct quotes, indirect ones would still be included)