Infragistics / livewire

A simple web content editor built with Electron
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Sync scrolling between source and preview pane #14

Closed craigshoemaker closed 5 years ago

craigshoemaker commented 9 years ago

Sync scrolling that works well even while a page is being edited.

User Stories

  1. As a writer I want the preview pane in the application to scroll in sync with scrolling in the editor so that I am not required to manually keep the edit and preview windows in sync.
  2. As a writer I want the option to be able to disable syncing so that I can look at different parts of the topic while I am editing.
  3. As a writer I want to be able to toggle scrolling via: a keyboard shortcut (ctrl+alt+p or cmd+alt+p), a context menu in editor and a context menu in results pane.


StackEdit seems to do a good job of this