Infragistics / livewire

A simple web content editor built with Electron
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Build variables UI #3

Closed craigshoemaker closed 5 years ago

craigshoemaker commented 9 years ago

Expose a UI that allows you to click on variables to insert into a topic which are later replaced during the help build process.

User Stories

  1. As a writer I want to see a list of the different variables available to inject in my topic.
  2. As a writer I want to be able to click on a variable and have it inserted into topic at the point where my cursor is currently positioned.
  3. As a writer I want to be sure that the UI does not overlap or interfere with my editing or preview experience.


The data source for the UI will be series of JSON files that define the variables that the build process uses for replacement when generating topics. The schema for this structure is still being defined as we work out how cross platform documentation will be built.

Related to #27, but this UI will let you browse through the build variables.