Infragistics / livewire

A simple web content editor built with Electron
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Pane resize and collapsing #30

Closed craigshoemaker closed 5 years ago

craigshoemaker commented 8 years ago

Allow the editor an preview panes to be resized in width and collapsed to the site

User Stories

  1. As a writer I want to be able to change the amount of horizontal space the editor takes on the screen so that if I am more focused on writing I can have more screen real estate to with with
  2. As a writer I want to be able to change the amount of horizontal space the preview pane takes on the screen so that if I am reviewing my topic I have more screen real estate to work with
  3. As a writer I want to be able to completely collapse both the editor or preview pane so that I can focus on one mode at a time.