Infragistics / livewire

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Metadata dialog #40

Closed craigshoemaker closed 8 years ago

craigshoemaker commented 8 years ago

User Stories

  1. As a user I want to edit my topic's metadata through a dialog so that I know my metadata is formatted correctly and has the right values.
  2. As a user I don't want to see the metadata in my topic so that content in my topic that is non-editable by hand is not exposed in the editor.
  3. As a user I want to have an auto-complete dropdown available for control name so that I don't have to guess the proper values for the metadata.


Values for control names need to be cached from the customer guidance database into a config file in order to provide metadata values for controlName. (See @damyanpetev for info on how to do this).

Here is an example of how the metadata is written out at the top of a topic:

 "name": "xamschedule-using-connector-wcf",
 "controlName": ["xamSchedule"],
 "tags": ["How Do I","Scheduling"],
 "guid": "cfbb214d-af6e-424e-830f-ec2892a2608d", 
 "buildFlags": ["sl","wpf"],
 "createdOn": "2012-01-20T15:42:13.2518588Z"

The controlName value is the only thing that needs to be editable. (The file name can be read from the file system, flags are managed by the new TOC tool and guid and createdOn values are read-only)

Implementation Pointers

Note: Here are a few pointers to help you get going in the right direction. This is for guidance only - don't consider this a spec.

Create a new module under app/dialogs/metadata. You'll need to subscribe to the file open message in order to read in the metadata. Once the user has had a chance to edit the control name then publish a metadataChanged message so the persistence module subscribe to the message and can then write the current values into the topic.

You can use the info icon in the toolbar to open up the dialog.

craigshoemaker commented 8 years ago

closed by bb614ef4bb0c8c12c9915f126ffb764f38519d15