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Different bugs when fetching data from FTP server #3

Open guillaumeVolery opened 2 years ago

guillaumeVolery commented 2 years ago

Problem description:

The command php artisan geomon:fetch_ftp is stopped with different kind of reported errors.

Expected behavior:

The command shall run until the end of fetching without problems.

guillaumeVolery commented 2 years ago

Seen error:

Processing Base Station 35


  SQLSTATE[01000]: Warning: 1265 Data truncated for column 'reference_altitude' at row 1 (SQL: insert into `configuration_base_stations` (`device_base_station_id`, `file_id`, 
`continuous_mode`, `reset`, `wakeup_period_in_minutes`, `session_duration_in_minutes`, `reference_gps_module`, `reference_latitude`, `reference_longitude`, `reference_altitude`, `non_continuous_store_binr_to_ftp`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (31, 38409, 0, 1, 7, 1, 10, 49.3102579, 2.7266187, 41.5.000, 1, 2022-03-30 12:15:25, 2022-03-30 12:15:25))

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:685
    681▕         // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error
    682▕         // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a
    683▕         // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors.
    684▕         catch (Exception $e) {
  ➜ 685▕             throw new QueryException(
    686▕                 $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
    687▕             );
    688▕         }

      +12 vendor frames
  13  app/Console/Commands/FetchDeviceData.php:312

  14  app/Console/Commands/FetchDeviceDataFtp.php:138
guillaumeVolery commented 2 years ago

Station 35 - Bug identification:

The following configuration files

contained all the same typo error on the ALTITUDE parameter:

ALTITUDE=41.5.000 ; Meters

Note: 2 points in the decimal same number.

Bug resolution:

File corrected and ALTITUDE value set to 415.000 meters.

Verification procedure:

Re-run the php artisan geomon:fetch_ftp command and check that all stations are correctly processed.


Bug resolved but not sufficient. File must be kept as corrupted and fetching function shall set the invalid column correctly.

guillaumeVolery commented 2 years ago

New error found in base station 32

Processing measure : GM_BASE_0032/200929_20


  Trying to get property 'id' of non-object

  at app/Console/Commands/FetchDeviceData.php:703
    699▕                                                 })
    700▕                                                 ->where('device_base_station_id', $deviceBaseStation->id)
    701▕                                                 ->first();
  ➜ 703▕                     $position = Position::where([['device_rover_id', $deviceRover->id], ['file_id', $file->id]])->first();
    704▕                     if ($position == null)
    705▕                     {
    706▕                         $position = new Position;
    707▕                         $position->device_rover_id = $deviceRover->id;

  1   app/Console/Commands/FetchDeviceData.php:703
      Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions::handleError("Trying to get property 'id' of non-object", "/srv/www/app/Console/Commands/FetchDeviceData.php")

  2   app/Console/Commands/FetchDeviceDataFtp.php:138
guillaumeVolery commented 2 years ago

New error found:

Processing measure : GM_BASE_0002/160511_19


  sort() expects parameter 1 to be array, bool given

  at app/Console/Commands/FetchDeviceDataFtp.php:83
     79▕     protected function listDir($dirPath)
     80▕     {
     81▕         $dirPath = "/data/Geomon/" . $dirPath;
     82▕         $paths = ftp_nlist($this->ftp, $dirPath);
  ➜  83▕         sort($paths);
     85▕         // Remove "/data/Geomon/" of each path
     86▕         foreach($paths as $key => $path)
     87▕         {

  1   app/Console/Commands/FetchDeviceDataFtp.php:83

  2   app/Console/Commands/FetchDeviceData.php:406
guillaumeVolery commented 2 years ago

All error resolved in commit a19c687.

Fetching all base stations is not blocking anymore.


Base station GM_BASE_0035:

354;38;41345;0;1;7;\N;\N;1;1;10;49.3102579;2.7266187;0;corrupted;2022-04-12 14:23:53;2022-04-12 14:23:53
377;38;41368;0;1;7;\N;\N;1;1;10;49.310278;2.726607;0;corrupted;2022-04-12 14:23:55;2022-04-12 14:23:55
378;38;41369;0;1;1440;\N;\N;10;1;10;49.310278;2.726607;0;corrupted;2022-04-12 14:23:55;2022-04-12 14:23:55
379;38;41370;0;1;7;\N;\N;1;1;10;49.3102579;2.7266187;0;corrupted;2022-04-12 14:23:55;2022-04-12 14:23:55
380;38;41371;0;1;360;\N;\N;10;1;10;49.3102579;2.7266187;0;corrupted;2022-04-12 14:23:55;2022-04-12 14:23:55
381;38;41372;0;1;1440;\N;\N;30;1;10;49.3102579;2.7266187;0;corrupted;2022-04-12 14:23:55;2022-04-12 14:23:55

Base station GM_BASE_0032:

Base station GM_BASE_0002: