InfyOmLabs / generator-builder

InfyOm Laravel Generator GUI Builder
MIT License
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how do I help correct and clarify info in your instructions and docs? #11

Closed phillipmadsen closed 8 years ago

phillipmadsen commented 8 years ago

Correction needed on the following page



Generator also have ability to generate CRUD file with datatables. To enable datatables option, you need to install yajra/laravel-datatables package. You can find a full installation steps here.

Once, you are done with installation. Make 'add_on.datatables' => true in config/infyom/_generator_builder.php._

to this


Generator also have ability to generate CRUD file with datatables. To enable datatables option, you need to install yajra/laravel-datatables package. You can find a full installation steps here.

Once, you are done with installation. Make 'add_on.datatables' => true in config/infyom/_laravel_generator.php._

I would help you with these but im not sure where to do it. There are some others as well.

Also any news on the routePrefix and pathPrefix options and possibly a %prefix us this layout option%

phillipmadsen commented 8 years ago

also I see you added this.

        // Set the view prefix if you have sub folders in views folder.
        // If you have resources/views/backend/admin set in your path => views above
        // then value should be 'view_prefix' => 'backend.admin'
        'view_prefix' => ''

this Is a great idea but it will not really work for pathPrefix if that is what you are going for.

example let say there is a admin section and then the normal non prefixed views. so for - routes using with - path directory _base_path. '/backend/pages/index.blade.php'_

if you use this ( 'view_prefix' => 'backend.admin')

it would generate - path directory _base_path. '/backend/ ADMIN /pages/index.blade.php'_ and by doing this all the links routes and everything else would be wrong and have to be redone. This would be the same problem it has now.

backend is admin


backend/admin (will not work)

does this make sense to you. if I need to explain it better I can just let me know.

do you skype?

phillipmadsen commented 8 years ago


you could do something like this to make it a bit simpler

   'options' => [
        'softDelete' => true,
        'tables_searchable_default' => false,
       'path_prefix' => 'backend'
       'path_prefix_layout_theme' => 'core-templates'
    //   'path_prefix_views' => 'index,create,edit,delete,datatable' // generated using the theme layout specified above
       'route_prefix' => 'Admin'
|- views
    |- backend
         |- layouts
             |- partials
             |- includes
             |- app.blade.php // based off core-templates
         |- pages
             |- index.blade.php
             |- datatable.blade.php
             |- create.blade.php
             |- edit.blade.php
             |- delete.blade.php

and these would supercede any flags if set.

This would get us half way to the right place and make it usable. for instance the example above would generate the admin for the model we could then edit these for the non admin part such as the following

   'options' => [
        'softDelete' => true,
        'tables_searchable_default' => false,
        'path_prefix' => 'frontend'
        'path_prefix_layout_theme' => 'live-site-theme'
    //   'path_prefix_views' => 'index,show' // generated using the theme layout specified above
        'route_prefix' => ''
|- views
    |- frontend
         |- layouts
             |- partials
             |- includes
             |- app.blade.php // based off live-site-theme
         |- pages
             |- index.blade.php
             |- show.blade.php
phillipmadsen commented 8 years ago

php artisan infyom.publish:tests does not work did you change that command to php artisan infyom.api:tests?

mitulgolakiya commented 8 years ago

It was never infyom.publish:tests. It was always infyom.api:tests.

Also the documentation repo is currently private repo. But I am going to open source it soon.

mitulgolakiya commented 8 years ago

Closing this issue in reference of for prefix discussion. so we can have whole discussion at single place.

anaisorozcoapok commented 6 years ago

Hi, mitulgolakiya I'm just using your laravel 5.5 project managed by infyom now how can I prove that the APIs I made are correct by mediating this generator

Thanks, Anais