InfyOmLabs / laravel-generator

API and Admin Panel CRUD Generator for Laravel.
MIT License
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Many issues with the generator #945

Closed BurningDog closed 2 years ago

BurningDog commented 3 years ago

Hi! Firstly, thanks for making an awesome product! I'm finding it quite useful and have recommended it to others.

That said, I found many issues in normal usage when following the installation and usage documentation at which seem to be major bugs. I could list each of these as a new issue on GitHub, but I didn't want to overwhelm the issue queue.

I'm using latest Laravel and latest version of the Infyom Generator. I'm not using the boilerplate, although I've had to refer to it in many cases. says to add the following to config/app.php:

'Form'      => Collective\Html\FormFacade::class,
'Html'      => Collective\Html\HtmlFacade::class,
'Flash'     => Laracasts\Flash\Flash::class,

but neglects to mention that there is a package which needs to be installed in order for them to work:

composer require laravelcollective/html

This package is already installed in the composer.json in the boilerplate

A number of base files are missing, perhaps I missed somewhere in the setup documentation where they're generated? These files are all present in the adminlte-generator boilerplate - I had to copy them manually into my project:

This seems to be left as an exercise to the developer? When I make the htmlType for a field to be file then an HTML file input is used for the generated CRUD controller, but instead of saving the file correctly, it merely leaves it in /private/tmp as the temporary filename. I was expecting to see it saved as a file within Laravel.

The rollback command only partially works.

The generated migration doesn't specify a primary key (even if "primary": true, is set in the field json, and --fieldsFile= is used as the scaffold). This must be added manually.

In addition, there's no ability to set fields as nullable when using a fields file, so this needs to manually done in the migration. It would be useful if the documentation mentioned that. says that the path to the sample json file is vendor\infyom\laravel-generator\samples\fields_sample.json which is incorrect, it's vendor/infyomlabs/laravel-generator/samples/fields_sample.json

At it should be made clear that resources/model_schemas/ can be used to put generated json files in to use for model generation. I had to read the code to work that out.

The generated models have extra, unnecessary line breaks in the file which I need to manually remove.

When Swagger comments are added as documentation, they overwrite the comments left which document all of the model's attributes. If I want those comments, I have to run 2 separate Infyom generation commands, copying the attributes after the first one and manually adding them back in after the 2nd.

When a controller is generated, the first lines in the class read:

    /** @var  ExampleRepository */
    private $exampleRepository;

It should be:

    /** @var ExampleRepository */
    private $exampleRepository;

or even better,

    private ExampleRepository $exampleRepository;

Indentation in generated factories

The indentation of generated factories is incorrect - the first attribute is correct, all of the following aren't.

In api.php I have

Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin'], function () {
    Route::resource('about_us_pages', App\Http\Controllers\API\AboutUsPageAPIController::class);

but actually it should be

Route::group(['prefix' => 'v1'], function () {
    Route::resource('aboutUsPages', App\Http\Controllers\API\AboutUsPageAPIController::class);

Neither generated API tests nor Repository tests work out of the box. Firstly, phpunit.xml has to be configured to include them:

        <testsuite name="API">
            <directory suffix="Test.php">./tests/APIs</directory>
        <testsuite name="Repositories">
            <directory suffix="Test.php">./tests/Repositories</directory>

Then, each test needs to use DatabaseMigrations.

Regarding the API url generated - e.g. /api/v1/blogPosts - notes that

It is recommended to use the spinal-case (which is highlighted by RFC3986), this case is used by Google, PayPal, and other big companies.

The url generated should be /api/v1/blog-posts

It's not clear that v1 won't be in the url by looking at the config:

    | API routes prefix & version

    'api_prefix'  => 'api',

    'api_version' => 'v1',

In what sense is v1 a route prefix if it's not used in the actual route?

In fact, route must be set to v1 in prefixes like so:

    'prefixes' => [

        'route' => 'v1',  // using admin will create route('admin.?.index') type routes

        'path' => '',

        'view' => '',  // using backend will create return view('backend.?.index') type the backend views directory

        'public' => 'public',

It's not clear to me each option does, and the comments don't help explain it either. Please be more descriptive.

The generated Blade templates should follow the Laravel style - see which uses 4 spaces, not 2. Since I have my IDE set up correctly, as soon as I edit one of those files it gets entirely reformatted. is abandoned. The package to use instead is probably

Overall workflow

It's nearly impossible that a developer knows exactly what all fields will be upfront, and only uses the generation process once. It would be useful to show a non-trivial example where:

ShaileshInfyom commented 2 years ago


image it's already menstion in docs.


ShaileshInfyom commented 2 years ago

@BurningDog This is not a valid issue. you need to refer docs properly. These files are generated by the command, you should review this doc. or you can watch tutorials here


ShaileshInfyom commented 2 years ago

@BurningDog it's depend on OS image

ShaileshInfyom commented 2 years ago

@BurningDog it would be good to give more details for the following issue. which files are not rollbacked? The rollback command doesn't roll back all files The rollback command only partially works.

ShaileshInfyom commented 2 years ago

@BurningDog issue no 5. primary key mentioned in model image

ShaileshInfyom commented 2 years ago

@BurningDog issue no 7. you can find doc here

ShaileshInfyom commented 2 years ago

@BurningDog Regarding API routes. we update docs soon with v1 here

ShaileshInfyom commented 2 years ago

@BurningDog we will plan a letter image

ShaileshInfyom commented 2 years ago

@BurningDog Generator only generates input. you need to implement store and move file logic your end. image

ShaileshInfyom commented 2 years ago

@BurningDog Test generate for API. you need to configure php.unit manually image