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Mensajería: Integración Whatsapp #255

Open lfelipeqn opened 3 years ago

lfelipeqn commented 3 years ago

Se realizará la integración para permitir a los Sellers, administrar el canal de mensajería de whatsapp a través de 1Ecommerce.

Documentación: URL: Usuario: Clave: C@A*!FFMIiSyGw$@l7Y4@4

lfelipeqn commented 3 years ago

An example workflow is attached.

  1. Create Partner Token
  2. Create sub-customer (we'll auto create an OAuth app for the customer and send you the details)
  3. Create a Token with his OAuth app you previously created
  4. Create a WhatsApp Channel for him (with his credentials / OAuth App)
  5. Update the channel (after the approval)

Ejemplo del Flujo de Autorización:

API-Partner Auth