IngotPowered / IngotEngine

The actual implementation behind the API
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Correction: Sponge does not use Minecraft decompiled code #12

Open mastercoms opened 9 years ago

mastercoms commented 9 years ago

Sponge is a complete rewrite of the minecraft server.

dreadiscool commented 9 years ago


Sponge uses Forge, which is based on MCP, which uses decompiled code


mastercoms commented 9 years ago

That is one implementation of Sponge, but I guess it doesn't really matter. Good luck with this.

alexrallen commented 9 years ago

Correction, sponge does not rely on minecraft decompiled code. Sponge is an API, it is platform independent and does not rely on decompiled code itself. The forge coremod implementation may rely on decompiled code but it is not the only implementation and is not sponge itself.

simon816 commented 9 years ago

Also, there's nothing wrong with Glowstone either. It is clean-room (I think) and implements the Bukkit API (no legal issues) and the Minecraft Server protocol

mastercoms commented 9 years ago

Yes, Glowstone is a clean room rewrite, but not a clean room rewrite in the strictest sense. There is no legal shakiness with Glowstone or Sponge. They were made to avoid the legal shakiness of Bukkit, Sponge directly in response to a disaster relating to a flaw in Bukkit's legal structure, and Glowstone passively in response to Bukkit's reliance on decompiled code.