Ingramz / archeage

Various ArcheAge related projects and information
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Does the DB extractor still? #1

Open Archey6 opened 3 days ago

Archey6 commented 3 days ago

Does the DB extractor work still even though the game cannot launch because the login api is down? Im having trouble running it and i want to rule that out

Ingramz commented 2 days ago

It should work regardless of what you have the login server set as. Only part that used to need network access was when the batch file downloaded a specific patch pak from kakao cdn, rest can be done offline.

When the game is launched through the debugger, it should only let it run until it has reached about 80-90% of the splash screen poem, this is where the database is being unpacked in memory, so it never actually reaches the part where connection with the login server is made.