InioX / matugen

A material you color generation tool
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Integration with papirus-folders #83

Open Heus-Sueh opened 2 weeks ago

Heus-Sueh commented 2 weeks ago

I'm almost reaching the perfect rice, but I didn't find an easy way to select the available colors of papirus-folders based on accent_color in matugen

InioX commented 1 week ago

After a bit of thinking, I wanted to make this a bit more flexible and not just lock it to the colors for papirus-folders.

I thought about adding something like this:

colors_to_compare = [
  { name = "white", color = "#ffffff" },
  { name = "black", color = "#000000" }
compare_against = "primary"

Matugen would loop over all the colors, compare them with the other color and output the closest one inside of the list by using the --json flag. You could then pipe it into something like jq and do stuff based on what the color is.

I'm not sure if this is the best way or the easiest one, if you have any other ideas feel free to share them.

Heus-Sueh commented 1 week ago

After a bit of thinking, I wanted to make this a bit more flexible and not just lock it to the colors for papirus-folders.

I thought about adding something like this:

colors_to_compare = [
  { name = "white", color = "#ffffff" },
  { name = "black", color = "#000000" }
compare_against = "primary"

Matugen would loop over all the colors, compare them with the other color and output the closest one inside of the list by using the --json flag. You could then pipe it into something like jq and do stuff based on what the color is.

I'm not sure if this is the best way or the easiest one, if you have any other ideas feel free to share them.

I think this flexibility is the correct path, and I want to suggest perhaps the concept of hook, like this:

colors_to_compare = [
 { name = "white", color = "#ffffff" },
 { name = "black", color = "#000000" }
compare_against = "primary"
chosen_color = "result_of_compare"
hook = 'papirus-folders -C {chosen_color} --theme Papirus-Dark'

matugen already has this with gtk (when running matugen it will call the hook that will use gsettings to set adw-gtk), but it is harcoded just for him, maybe making this flexible for templates would be interesting, like this:

{ input_path = 'path', output_path = 'path', hook = 'sway reload' }

I saw this hook concept in this program:

InioX commented 6 days ago

I forgot to make them execute stuff, I'll fix it later. For now, here's an example for the hook:

input_path = "example/colors.whatever-extension"
output_path = "example/a/colors-generated.whatever-extension"
colors_to_compare = [
    { name = "black", color = "#000000" },
    { name = "red", color = "#ff0000" },
    { name = "maroon", color = "#800000" },
    { name = "yellow", color = "#ffff00" },
    { name = "olive", color = "#808000" },
    { name = "lime", color = "#00ff00" },
    { name = "green", color = "#008000" },
    { name = "aqua", color = "#00ffff" },
    { name = "teal", color = "#008080" },
    { name = "blue", color = "#0000ff" },
    { name = "navy", color = "#000080" },
    { name = "fuchsia", color = "#ff00ff" },
    { name = "purple", color = "#800080" },
compare_to = "#aefbd5"
hook = "source color {source_color}, source image {source_image}, compared color {compared_color}"
Heus-Sueh commented 6 days ago

In compare_to, can you put a variable, like in the previous example?

like that: compare_to = "{{colors.primary.default.hex}}"

InioX commented 6 days ago

No but I'll make it do that if you want.

Heus-Sueh commented 5 days ago

No but I'll make it do that if you want.

If there is no negative side, it might be interesting to implement

InioX commented 5 days ago

It executes now, so feel free to test stuff.

Heus-Sueh commented 4 days ago

In the case of papirus-folders I don't need an input or output, I just need the result of comparing all those variables and which one is closest to the generated color colors.primary.default.hex, so that I call the hook to start the command with the closest color

colors_to_compare = [
    { name = "adwaita", color = "#aacae8" },
    { name = "blue", color = "#7cabe2" },
    { name = "breeze", color = "#7fc4e9" },
    { name = "carmine", color = "#b54142" },
    { name = "darkcyan", color = "#72bbc4" },
    { name = "green", color = "#a1bf80" },
    { name = "indigo", color = "#838dca" },
    { name = "nordic", color = "#9db4cb" },
    { name = "palebrown", color = "#d6c9bd" },
    { name = "pink", color = "#ec87a9" },
    { name = "teal", color = "#159a80" },
    { name = "white", color = "#e4e4e4" },
    { name = "yellow", color = "#f3c863" },
    { name = "black", color = "#797979" },
    { name = "bluegray", color = "#869aa4" },
    { name = "brown", color = "#bda68e" },
    { name = "cyan", color = "#41c7d8" },
    { name = "deeporange", color = "#e98a68" },
    { name = "grey", color = "#a6a6a6" },
    { name = "magenta", color = "#d192e0" },
    { name = "orange", color = "#eba96a" },
    { name = "paleorange", color = "#ebd1a7" },
    { name = "red", color = "#e27c7c" },
    { name = "violet", color = "#9b7fcb" }
compare_to = "{{colors.primary.default.hex}}"
hook = "papirus-folders -C {closest_color} --theme Papirus-Dark"

Would it be a good idea to implement this, these "special" cases?

InioX commented 4 days ago

I already added the {{ compared_color }}, which is just like {{ closest_color }} you mentioned. I also wanted to add the same formatting for hook as in the templates, and I will also add the same formatting for compare_to.

Heus-Sueh commented 4 days ago

I already added the {{ compared_color }}, which is just like {{ closest_color }} you mentioned. I also wanted to add the same formatting for hook as in the templates, and I will also add the same formatting for compare_to.

Okay, I was unsure about the name compared_color, sorry my English isn't very good

InioX commented 4 days ago

I already added the {{ compared_color }}, which is just like {{ closest_color }} you mentioned. I also wanted to add the same formatting for hook as in the templates, and I will also add the same formatting for compare_to.

Okay, I was unsure about the name compared_color, sorry my English isn't very good

I decided to rename it, closest_color seems better.

Also added formatting to compare_to as well, so you can now use all the color keywords inside it.

Heus-Sueh commented 4 days ago

Heus-Sueh commented 4 days ago

Testing here, in some wallpapers it gets it right, in others it refuses and chooses only the black color from the papirus-folders, even though a wallpaper has a lot of blue, it chooses black.

here is a "log":

InioX commented 4 days ago

Could you post the wallpapers this is happening with?

Heus-Sueh commented 4 days ago

Could you post the wallpapers this is happening with?


Heus-Sueh commented 4 days ago

I will post others

InioX commented 4 days ago

Could you post the wallpapers this is happening with?


This image seems to work fine image image

Heus-Sueh commented 3 days ago

I was testing these colors which would be the colors of the papirus-folders folders that I got using the color picker, would it be better to use the template you provided?

colors_to_compare = [
    { name = "adwaita", color = "#93c0ea" },
    { name = "blue", color = "#5294e2" },
    { name = "breeze", color = "#57b8ec" },
    { name = "carmine", color = "#a30002" },
    { name = "darkcyan", color = "#45abb7" },
    { name = "green", color = "#a1bf80" },
    { name = "indigo", color = "#838dca" },
    { name = "nordic", color = "#9db4cb" },
    { name = "palebrown", color = "#d6c9bd" },
    { name = "pink", color = "#ec87a9" },
    { name = "teal", color = "#159a80" },
    { name = "white", color = "#e4e4e4" },
    { name = "yellow", color = "#f3c863" },
    { name = "black", color = "#797979" },
    { name = "bluegray", color = "#869aa4" },
    { name = "brown", color = "#bda68e" },
    { name = "cyan", color = "#41c7d8" },
    { name = "deeporange", color = "#e98a68" },
    { name = "grey", color = "#a6a6a6" },
    { name = "magenta", color = "#d192e0" },
    { name = "orange", color = "#eba96a" },
    { name = "paleorange", color = "#ebd1a7" },
    { name = "red", color = "#e27c7c" },
    { name = "violet", color = "#9b7fcb" }
InioX commented 3 days ago

I would use the papirus-folders colors and maybe add some middle colors, while naming it the same as the color you want to get.