IniterWorker / gc9a01

GC9A01 Display Driver
Apache License 2.0
14 stars 6 forks source link

Using with slint #5

Open rsov opened 1 month ago

rsov commented 1 month ago

Hello, great library!

I am trying to use it with slint on esp32-s3 and I am getting Exception occured 'LoadProhibited' error

The funny thing is, my equivalent implementation of is


Do you have any ideas why this is happening?

If not, would it be worth while implementing set_pixels method in this driver like it is implemented in this one?

Thank you!

IniterWorker commented 1 month ago

Please provide more information:

Please do not provide external exceptions such as:

Exception occurred 'LoadProhibited'

At the library level, we cannot support issues caused by other libraries.

What are the requirements for set_pixels when set_pixel is already available with the buffered approach?

rsov commented 1 month ago

I think the key difference between set_pixel is that it changes data in the buffer, while set_pixels writes it straight to the device, line by line

Will try to submit minimal reproduceable example soon

rsov commented 1 month ago

In progress of stripping down everything, the exception went away but it's not displaying correctly

Here is what is expected: image

Here is what I get: Note the little line at the edge changes when background color is changed image

Branch with code:

I have tried changing rotation and replacing the example fill_contiguous code that yielded same results

for (i, pixel_color) in buffer.iter().enumerate() {
  self.display.set_pixel(i as _, line as _, pixel_color.0);

It almost feels like it's either rendering the very last bit or one of the axis is flipped

Any help with this is appreciated

IniterWorker commented 1 month ago

@rsov did you/could you display a basic rectangle with embedded_graphics via ?

1) Try to use the driver standalone, first to validate your setup. 2) Did you check for memory issues, stack/heap issue with double/triple allocation (slint + gc9a01 Buffered) of the 240*240*size_of(pixel_color) ?

rsov commented 1 month ago

Yes the example code worked well with direct draw calls

Sorry, I am out of my depth when it comes to embedded environments and rust. What would be some good keywords to search for to get started?

rsov commented 1 month ago

You may have been on the right track with the double buffering issue

I have forked and added a method to send buffer data directly. It works... but the colors are all wrong and it lost the sharpness. Will see if it's possible to improve it further

and i send data to it this way

        .send_line(&buffer.iter().map(|&x| x.0).collect::<Vec<u16>>())


IniterWorker commented 1 month ago

Please always provide an example. Mainly a color shift from your end with map(|&x| x.0). But, I can't help you without more source.


// Pure speculation
use embedded_graphics_core::pixelcolor::raw::RawU16;

        .send_line(&buffer.iter().map(|&x| RawU16::new(x.0).into()).collect::<Vec<RawU16>>())