Ink-Osier / PandoraToV1Api

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Dalle-3回复格式问题 #36

Closed cyx1322 closed 6 months ago

cyx1322 commented 6 months ago


    "created": 1704003120,
    "data": [
            "revised_prompt": "A depiction of a baby sea otter exuding cuteness as it floats on its back on the surface of a calm sea. Its fur is rich and brown, tiny paws are playfully poised in the air as if reaching for an imaginary plaything. The otter's round, innocent eyes are wide with curiosity and a hint of mirth, its small nose twitching slightly. The sun casts a warm glow on the scene, illuminating the rippling water around the otter and giving its fur a shiny, wet look.",
            "url": "xxx"


    "created": 1704003006,
    "data": [
            "url": "xxx"
    "reply": "\n```\n{\"size\":\"1024x1024\",\"prompt\":\"A cute baby sea otter floating on its back in calm blue water. The sea otter has fluffy brown fur, big curious eyes, and is holding a small starfish in its tiny paws. The sunlight is gently reflecting off the water, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.\"}Here is the image of a cute baby sea otter floating on its back in calm blue water, holding a small starfish."


Ink-Osier commented 6 months ago


cyx1322 commented 6 months ago
