Innenkante / GrindScript

A project dedicated to modding the old school RPG
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Problems on a cold start #8

Open Innenkante opened 2 years ago

Innenkante commented 2 years ago

When copying all required files to the game folder and mods to the Mod folder.

There are issues regarding the startup.

The file GrindScriptConfig.txt is not found, nor created -> fixed by manually adding the file.

The Folder Logs is not found, nor created -> fixed by manually adding the folder.


Initialize all required folders on the start of GrindScriptLauncher.

Starting the Game trough the launcher throws: src\clientdll\steamclient.cpp (397) : Couldn't fit all the environmental variables in allotted space and terminates the Secrets of Grindea.exe

No solution yet.

Innenkante commented 2 years ago

Default Values for GrindScriptConfig.txt

# Configuration file for GrindScript
# Lines that start with '#' act as comments

# Defines the level to use for logging
# Valid values: Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
[log_level] = [Debug]
[harmony_debug] = [False]
Innenkante commented 2 years ago

Version string in the ModDependency annotation is not allowed to be null, therefore remove the optional argument and make it mandatory.

Innenkante commented 2 years ago

Make sure to copy all references of a mod into the Mods folder -> ReadMe description.

Innenkante commented 2 years ago

Fix an iterator error in SoG.Modding.Library.RemoveMod(Mod mod) using by copying the list temporary:

foreach (var pair in new Dictionary<>(_typeStorage))