This is the seventh pt-br machine translated LP article I want you to manually verify by comparing it with the original English article available at the following URL.
Please use your pt-br native speaking ability to verify the machine translated text for its accuracy in comparison to its English version. You can follow the instructions I emailed you to make manual changes and corrections to the translated text and then commit your changes. Russ and I will then approve it and merge it to the main branch. Thank you for your time and help.
This is the seventh pt-br machine translated LP article I want you to manually verify by comparing it with the original English article available at the following URL.
Please use your pt-br native speaking ability to verify the machine translated text for its accuracy in comparison to its English version. You can follow the instructions I emailed you to make manual changes and corrections to the translated text and then commit your changes. Russ and I will then approve it and merge it to the main branch. Thank you for your time and help.