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ISC Gathering Lead role for third party event #225

Open rrrutledge opened 1 year ago

rrrutledge commented 1 year ago

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Originally posted by **claredillon** August 22, 2023 At the last Marketing WG Call, we discussed the idea of having a new micro-leadership role tasked with bringing together the ISC community at third party events. **Context:** - We talked about some of the constraints around organizing InnerSoure Gatherings (cost, time required, ISC commitment up-front with growing constraints around travel in some organizations => a more risky proposition). - Feedback was given about how it was great to have an informal InnerSource Gathering at the last LF OSS US Summit. - Benefits included: getting to build relationships with the community, and how doing that just before the event meant that during the event itself each attendee could shape their event attendance for a great InnerSource experience. Tips were given as to which sessions would be great for an InnerSource context, and attendees could arrange more informal meet-ups at breaks and lunch to discuss what they learned. - There was zero additional cost to the Foundation or the attendees for this. **Responsibilities** So, we discussed the idea that members of the ISC community could nominate themselves as an ISC Gathering Lead. Suggested responsibilities might include: - Organizing a time and venue for the informal meet-up during, or before the event (early in the event better for max impact for attendees) - Setting up a channel on Slack event-EventNameYear that people attending can join for realtime updates and chat between the community during the event - Letting people know the plan on the general channel - Letting the Marketing WG know so we can send out some stickers and include on the newsletter! :) **Supports** We also discussed what the ISC might provide to the ISC Gathering Lead to bring along: - stickers? - always popular and a low cost - definitely recommended - Tshirts? Maybe! There is a higher cost, and the down side is that people can (generally) only wear them for one day of the event - so each person would need 2-3 to cover an event. Also - the Tshirts are currently associated with our Summit - and we might like to maintain that association. An alternative to Tshirts we discussed before is... - Tote bag - same expense as T-shirt - but logistically easier to supply and can be used on multiple days, no sizing required etc. - We should of course let people know there is a gathering happening through the newsletter.