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ultra-short, illustrative story for patterns #152

Open fwan2000 opened 4 years ago

fwan2000 commented 4 years ago

Story provides a more narrative, less academic description to a pattern. When a pattern has a good narrative description at the first few sections, it helps people deciding quickly whether this is something they want to dive deeper. Some patterns provide good narrative while some other patterns lack those narrative angle. It would help to add story or improve narrative description to the patterns that don't have good narratives.

NewMexicoKid commented 4 years ago

We've used case studies in the past for illustrative purposes, thinking that actual cases would accurately show the context for the pattern. Are you thinking of an artificial story just for illustrative purposes?

fwan2000 commented 4 years ago

Yes I'm thinking of short story for illustrative purposes. Some patterns have them already. I find them helpful to understand the pattern at high level before diving into the details.

maxcapraro commented 4 years ago

I really like the way Mary Lynn and Linda did it in Fearless Change. Their book has two parts:

I feel this could be a good format for our e-book. This delivers on the story telling ancle that you proposed, @fwan2000.

maxcapraro commented 4 years ago

(This is a hybrid between "Content Work" and "Meta" ... I marked it as Type - Meta because it proposes a change to one of the process documents / conventions (patterns format file).

spier commented 3 years ago

@fwan2000 this is a great idea.

Right now this issue talks about a general idea for all patterns.

Some ideas to make this more executable:

fwan2000 commented 3 years ago

A quick grep in structured directory shows the following patterns having a story: Story Story Story Story Story

We may not need to have a story for every single pattern. It may worth adding a story for the upcoming pattern that will have its deep dive.

spier commented 3 years ago

Good idea to grep for this :)

Do you mean "deep dive" as in "pattern of the month" #280?

This thread certainly got me thinking. No coherent thoughts yet, so I am just listing them here to see if any of them connect.

"Quickly" (speed of reading)

There is an interesting issue here:

Now the Story part could be filled with more narrative, as you are saying. This would likely not be using any bullet points, as it should feel like a story that somebody is telling you, right? Also by the nature of it being a story it will be more text, certainly more text than a Patlet.

So reading many stories would take more time, and with that may beat the purpose you were after initially?

... it helps people deciding quickly whether this is something they want to dive deeper

Quickly is quite a relative term of course :)

Narration / Chatham / Pattern-style

Has the Chatham House Rule lead authors to try to remove company-specific info from the Pattern? Or maybe that has happened to make the pattern more generally applicable and translatable to another company?

Certainly if that was true, it would make it harder to share good stories, because stories tend to be "personal", and about a particular organization. To tell it well, one needs to be specific. Or not?

Stories => real book

Stories would certainly create great material for a real book! The book we we have now we have right now is really mostly a catalog of patterns, as it doesn't have much material that can serve as a red thread to tie it all together.

Stories might help there. i.e. one could even just publish the stories, and then from there link to the patterns in the catalog.