Innofactor / XrmToolBox.Plugins

Version Verifier, Steps Manipulator, Auto Deployer (formerly known as Cinteros Tools)
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Can't see the Saved View Layout XML #20

Closed nzhome closed 8 years ago

nzhome commented 8 years ago

I get a lot of errors to do with the LayoutXML when saving fetch queries, and there is no tool that can see and edit the advanced find savedquery layout xml. I picked up via google that your sourcecode has something fairly close. Can you please add a way to see the layout XML via FetchXML Builder. thanks. qex.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("name", "returnedtypecode", "fetchxml", "layoutxml"); txtFetch.Text = ((ViewItem)cmbView.SelectedItem).GetLayout();

nzhome commented 8 years ago

Found it. under the View Layout Replicator plugin. double click a view row to display its layout xml.

Now I just need a way to Update the view with the new layout and new fetch xml that I made.

and even better would be a preview tool that can take the fetch xml and layout xml and process it on the test server to test it faster than; uploading, going into crm refreshing the screen, see an error, go back make a change, run again. that development process is too slow. need a way to update the fetchxml and layoutxml and press validate and see the result.

nzhome commented 8 years ago

Also I created a couple of public system views that are corrupt, and I don't want to deactivate them, I want to delete them.. where is the tool in xrmtoolbox that allows me to fully delete?

I just want to delete the corrupt view, and sometimes I want to delete a duplicate View that I accidentally created with the same name. I don't want to deactivate it. because I want to keep the system clean.

rappen commented 8 years ago

Issue moved to Innofactor/XrmToolBox.ViewDesigner #4 via ZenHub