InnogeeksOrganization / coderspree2

Submission repo for Coderspree2.0
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Auto-merge PR #108

Open Mr-Sunglasses opened 1 year ago

Mr-Sunglasses commented 1 year ago

I'm looking at that, the repo maintainers need to self-merge the PR. We can add some GH actions that can test some matrices and auto-merge the PR, looking forward to the response of maintainers, and then I can make a GH action for this issue.

devAyushDubey commented 1 year ago

Hey @Mr-Sunglasses , Well there are a few things that need to be checked before a merge:

There are a few more things I can't mention here, better text me once on whatsapp or somewhere private I will let you know. Let me know if you are up for automating the above.

Also if you too want to participate in coderspree, we can do something😉.

RyanWalker277 commented 1 year ago

@Mr-Sunglasses I was thinking on the same lines for sometime now , we check for some metrices before merging a PR which chan be easily checked by GithubActions.Ping me up if you want to work on the Issue!

Mr-Sunglasses commented 1 year ago

@RyanWalker277 , @devAyushDubey Will contact you guys personally to know to metrics before merging the PR, and We will hopefully solve this issue by this weekend.