I just downloaded this latest Red 2-1 driver from 2023-08-14 and tried to use with a new dimmer switch in Hubitat. I'm unable to change any config options through the Hubitat device details dashboard due to an error on line 2103 in the processAssociations() method. Reverted to the 2023-07-03 driver and everything works again.
Hubitat log below. Updated works on first run, but fails on all subsequent runs.
dev:10832023-08-31 07:38:01.304 PM error java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 out of bounds for length 0 on line 2103 (method updated)
dev:10832023-08-31 07:38:01.271 PM info RedDimmer There are no association actions to complete for group 1
dev:10832023-08-31 07:38:01.230 PM info RedDimmer updated()
dev:10832023-08-31 07:37:44.325 PM info RedDimmer Associations for Group 6: []
dev:10832023-08-31 07:37:44.216 PM info RedDimmer Info Logging will be disabled in 20 minutes
dev:10832023-08-31 07:37:44.214 PM debug RedDimmer Debug logging Disabled
dev:10832023-08-31 07:37:44.211 PM trace RedDimmer Trace logging Disabled
dev:10832023-08-31 07:37:44.205 PM info RedDimmer Info logging Enabled
dev:10832023-08-31 07:37:44.198 PM info RedDimmer No DEVICE settings were changed
dev:10832023-08-31 07:37:44.129 PM info RedDimmer Association info not known for group 6. Requesting info from device.
dev:10832023-08-31 07:37:44.126 PM info RedDimmer There are no association actions to complete for group 1
dev:10832023-08-31 07:37:43.968 PM info RedDimmer updated()
I just downloaded this latest Red 2-1 driver from 2023-08-14 and tried to use with a new dimmer switch in Hubitat. I'm unable to change any config options through the Hubitat device details dashboard due to an error on line 2103 in the processAssociations() method. Reverted to the 2023-07-03 driver and everything works again.
Hubitat log below. Updated works on first run, but fails on all subsequent runs.