Inq8 / CAmod

Combined Arms
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Comparison Bot AI #50

Open gitgordon opened 1 year ago

gitgordon commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone, is there an overview somewhere in which the different bot AIs are compared? For example, the Brutal AI automatically receives resources every x seconds or the APCs are equipped directly with soldiers after construction. A tabular overview of the special features or differences of the 6 AIs would be very useful. Thank you very much. Grondon

darkademic commented 1 year ago

I think this covers everything:


Very Hard:




gitgordon commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the overview. As spectator is saw that the Brutal AI automatically earns money/resources also if the AI has no refinery. Is this behavior the same over all differnet AIs and how much is it?

And a second question is the behavior of the Naval AI.

Thank you very much. Grondon

darkademic commented 1 year ago

No probs.

Ah yea I missed that off the list. Normal and above get a bit of money if they have less than $2500 in the bank.

Every 18 seconds:

For comparison a single harvester averages around $650 in the same amount of time.

The Naval AI gets no bonuses at all, and was really just a workaround for playing island maps with no bridges (to stop the AI building ground forces that would just be stuck forever), but it probably needs a rework. I'd just avoid playing those maps.

gitgordon commented 1 year ago

Thank you. Here is an tabular overview.

Criterion\AI Brutal Very Hard Hard Normal Easy
Cost ground units -50% -30% -10% -/- -/-
Cost air units -10% -5% 0% -/- -/-
Cost buildings -10% -5% 0% -/- -/-
Cost defendes -15% -10% -5% -/- -/-
Max MCV expansion 2 1 1 0 0
Power management Builds more excess power than Hard Builds more excess power than Hard Builds more excess power than Normal -/- -/-
Attack size Attacks with larger squads than Hard Attacks with larger squads than Hard Attacks with larger squads than Normal -/- Attacks with smaller squads than Normal
Air superiority Will attempt to maintain air superiority with no limit Will attempt to maintain air superiority with no limit Will attempt to maintain air superiority up to a limit Cap on number of aircraft Will build fewer aircraft than Normal
Air effectiveness Aircraft will prioritise targets more effectively than Hard Aircraft will prioritise targets more effectively than Hard Aircraft will prioritise targets more effectively than Normal -/- -/-
Base size Will create larger bases than Hard Will create larger bases than Hard Will create larger bases than Normal -/- -/-
Commando units Will create commando units more frequently than Hard Will create commando units frequently than Hard Will create commando units frequently than Normal -/- -/-
APCs APCs have a squad of infantry inside APCs have a squad of infantry inside APCs have a squad of infantry inside -/- -/-
Start income every 18 sec till $2.500 $1.250 $1.000 $750 $500 -/-
Misc -/- -/- -/- Early game artillery is delayed Early game artillery is delayed
nmoskopp commented 2 months ago

Is it possible to turn off the AI money/cost cheating while keeping the rest?

Both of those features make it quite difficult to starve enemies of resources.

GraionDilach commented 2 months ago

For money/cost AI-only cheats, the game should limit itself to strictly relying on Mods.Cnc.ResourcePurifier traits anyway. That would still ensurte that players can successfully deny the AI economy.

nmoskopp commented 2 months ago

For money/cost AI-only cheats, the game should limit itself to strictly relying on Mods.Cnc.ResourcePurifier traits anyway.

Excuse me, what does this mean in practical terms?

GraionDilach commented 2 months ago

Red Alert 2 has the Ore Purifier building, which provided 25% bonus for every harvester dropoff while it's active. The designers also relied on "virtual purifiers" for it's AI, basically granting additional offmap instances of this building, depending on difficulty level.

The aforementioned OpenRA trait just reimplements this feature.

Also see