InquireAI / inquire

Inquire is a generalized chatbot ready to handle anything you throw at it.
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(web) Modal for Persona Discovery #21

Closed Lucas-Kohorst closed 1 year ago

Lucas-Kohorst commented 1 year ago

(these are very rough)

I was thinking have a simple rotating set of cards on the bottom that display each persona (not sure if this is to much but maybe even under that a super basic/simple list of all the personas so a user initially discovering inquire via the website can see and be directed into a persona on the web app and discovery isn't just limited to telegram)


Maybe when a card (or a list item is selected) a little modal displays where they can click to be deeplinked into telegram w/ the persona queded? Or easier initially since telegram will be the only client each card/list item is simply a deeplink (no need for the modal)


I think if the link generated follows everything will be good and handled at the client level (following something like also some things on deeplinking from telegram docs if that url doesn't work as expected