Inria-Empenn / narps_open_pipelines

A codebase reproducing the 70 pipelines of the NARPS study (Botvinik-Nezer et al., 2020) shared as an open resource for the community.
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[4TQ6] Pipeline reproduction (FSL - deriv) #164

Open cmaumet opened 4 months ago

cmaumet commented 4 months ago


"general.softwares": "FSL 5.0.4 and Feat v6 ",

Input data

derivatives (fMRIprep)

Additional context

$ narps_description -t 4TQ6 --json { "general.teamID": "4TQ6", "general.NV_collection_link": "", "general.results_comments": "NA", "general.preregistered": "No", "general.link_preregistration_form": "NA", "general.regions_definition": "Using the Harvard-Oxford Atlas as a reference, alongside general anatomical knowledge.", "general.softwares": "FSL 5.0.4 and Feat v6 ", "exclusions.n_participants": "108", "exclusions.exclusions_details": "No exclusions", "preprocessing.used_fmriprep_data": "Yes", "preprocessing.preprocessing_order": "fmriprep v1.1.4 pre-processed data was used.", "preprocessing.brain_extraction": "fmriprep v1.1.4 was used: T1-weighted images were skull-stripped using (ANTs 2.2.0) and OASIS as target template. ", "preprocessing.segmentation": "fmriprep v1.1.4 was used: \"Brain tissue segmentation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), white-matter (WM) and gray-matter (GM) was performed on the brain-extracted T1w using fast (FSL 5.0.9, RRID:SCR_002823, Zhang, Brady, and Smith 2001)\"", "preprocessing.slice_time_correction": "NA ", "preprocessing.motion_correction": "fmriprep v1.1.4 was used: \"Head-motion parameters with respect to the BOLD reference (transformation matrices, and six corresponding rotation and translation parameters) are estimated before any spatiotemporal filtering using mcflirt (FSL 5.0.9, Jenkinson et al. 2002)", "preprocessing.motion": "6", "preprocessing.gradient_distortion_correction": "NA", "preprocessing.intra_subject_coreg": "NA", "preprocessing.distortion_correction": "NA", "preprocessing.inter_subject_reg": "fmriprep v1.1.4 was used: \"bbregister was used to generate transformations from EPI-space to T1w-space\"\u2002", "preprocessing.intensity_correction": "NA", "preprocessing.intensity_normalization": "NA ", "preprocessing.noise_removal": "NA", "preprocessing.volume_censoring": "NA", "preprocessing.spatial_smoothing": "6mm FWHM Gaussian kernel, applied to the fmriprep data, so in MNI space", "preprocessing.preprocessing_comments": "NA", "analysis.data_submitted_to_model": "108 participants, four scans each, all collected at the same scan visit/time point.", "analysis.spatial_region_modeled": "Full Brain", "analysis.independent_vars_first_level": "Event-Related design, 4 second events, with parametric modulation based on amount gained or lost on each trial. One 'gain' regressor, and one 'loss' regressor.\nFirst temporal derivatives of the two regressors were also used, along with temporal filtering (60 s) of all the independent variable time-series. \nNo motion parameter regressors used. ", "analysis.RT_modeling": "none", "analysis.movement_modeling": "0", "analysis.independent_vars_higher_level": "For second level analysis, a group level between-subjects analysis was run to compare between \"equal range\" and \"equal indifference\" groups; no additional covariates, no additional between-subject effects.\nFor the within-group effects a group average analysis was computed with a single, constant, regressor. Also no covariates in these analyses.", "analysis.model_type": "Mass Univariate.", "analysis.model_settings": "First level: Standard FSL approach, using FILM prewhitening for correction of autocorrelation and high-pass filtering (60 s) to remove low frequency effects from both the data, and the model.\nSecond level (single-subject, mean of all four scans) analyses: Fixed effects analysis.\nGroup level: Mixed effects \"FLAME 1\". Specific variance structure: As in FSL's FLAME-1 model. \n", "analysis.inference_contrast_effect": "First-level analyses: Linear contrast effects: 'Gain' vs. baseline, 'Loss' vs. baseline.\nSecond-level: Linear contrast effects - simple mean across each subjects four scans, for each lower-level contrast.\nGroup-level (group average) analysis: Simple mean across all subjects for each lower-level contrast. \nGroup-level (between-groups comparison): Linear effect between groups for each lower-level contrast.", "analysis.search_region": "Whole Brain", "analysis.statistic_type": "Cluster-wise: Threshold-free Cluster Enhancement (TFCE) with default parameters.", "analysis.pval_computation": "FSL's 'Randomise' non-parametric permutation testing algorithm was used for inference.", "analysis.multiple_testing_correction": "5000 permutations were run using 'Randomise'.", "analysis.comments_analysis": "NA", "general.general_comments": "NA", "categorized_for_analysis.region_definition_vmpfc": "atlas HOA", "categorized_for_analysis.region_definition_striatum": "atlas HOA", "categorized_for_analysis.region_definition_amygdala": "atlas HOA", "categorized_for_analysis.analysis_SW": "FSL", "categorized_for_analysis.analysis_SW_with_version": "FSL 5.0.4", "categorized_for_analysis.smoothing_coef": "6", "categorized_for_analysis.testing": "randomise", "categorized_for_analysis.testing_thresh": "", "categorized_for_analysis.correction_method": "TFCE", "categorized_for_analysis.correctionthresh": "p<0.05", "derived.n_participants": "108", "derived.excluded_participants": "n/a", "derived.func_fwhm": "6", "derived.con_fwhm": "", "comments.excluded_from_narps_analysis": "No", "comments.exclusion_comment": "Resampled image offset and too large compared to template.", "comments.reproducibility": "3", "comments.reproducibility_comment": "" }

List of tasks

Please tick the boxes below once the corresponding task is finished. :+1:

cmaumet commented 4 months ago

This team has a corresponding file marked as "wip" and initially started by @elodiegermani (see

To be done: Verification of the adequation between textual description and code, correction of mistakes (if necessary)

bclenet commented 2 months ago

The code runs with PR #191 but remains to be (reviewed and) tested on a larger number of subjects. For now, the correlation results with 4 subjects : [0.37, 0.15, 0.37, 0.15, 0.14, 0.32, 0.14, 0.32, 0.00]

bclenet commented 3 weeks ago

Correlation results with commit 01c7ebd and 108 subjects : [0.50, 0.08, 0.50, 0.08, 0.59, 0.22, 0.59, 0.22, 0.04]