Inria-Empenn / narps_open_pipelines

A codebase reproducing the 70 pipelines of the NARPS study (Botvinik-Nezer et al., 2020) shared as an open resource for the community.
MIT License
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[1KB2] Pipeline reproduction (FSL - raw) #61

Open elodiegermani opened 1 year ago

elodiegermani commented 1 year ago



Input data

raw data

Additional context

Use of feat process and analysis: run-level + subject-level + group-level.

List of tasks

Please tick the boxes below once the corresponding task is finished. :+1:

bclenet commented 7 months ago

For further work on this pipeline :

According to the description,

Gain, loss, and response predictor were orthogonalized to the unmodulated predictor.

This seems to be feasible with the orthogonalization parameter of nipype's Level1Design FSL interface.