Inria-Empenn / narps_open_pipelines

A codebase reproducing the 70 pipelines of the NARPS study (Botvinik-Nezer et al., 2020) shared as an open resource for the community.
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[4SZ2] Pipeline reproduction (FSL, deriv) #96

Open michellewang opened 1 year ago

michellewang commented 1 year ago


FSL 6.0

Input data

derivatives (fMRIprep)

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bclenet commented 7 months ago

Hi @cmaumet,

Here are quick questions about the analysis. (Full description above)

independent_vars_first_level : The values of GAIN and LOSS were used as independent columns of the regression matrix. These were convolved with the canonical HRF. The time derivatives of the two columns were also included in the regression.

Does this mean we use the canonical HRF + derivatives as basis ?

independent_vars_higher_level : For the second level analysis, 2 columns of the regression matrix were used to separate between equalRange and equalIndifference. Each run of each subject was treated as independent. Further, age and sex were added as nuisance factors.

Here, I assume second level analysis refers to group level. Is there intermediate subject level ?

Thanks !

cmaumet commented 7 months ago

Does this mean we use the canonical HRF + derivatives as basis ?

Yes exactly!

Here, I assume second level analysis refers to group level. Is there intermediate subject level ?

Yes that is right second level = group. From the "Each run of each subject was treated as independent", I think it means that there is no subject-level, i.e. run-level and then group-level (as if each run was a separate subject).

bclenet commented 5 months ago

Results with 108 subjects, commit 3ff9cf4 [0.20, 0.30, 0.20, 0.30, -0.41, -0.35, 0.41, 0.35, -0.11]