InsaneHe / Introduction-to-Computer-Learning-Notes

This is a repository that cosists of my notes produced when learning from “Introduction to Computer” from YouTube:
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Arena for c code practice 20240903 T1: 请用 C/C++ 不多于25行代码(包含空行)实现屏幕打印输出如下内容: This computer is normal but not ZIEMLICH LEDIG. As for the Instruction Set underlied, we now ....... ....... simply know it occupies (? 打印出一个合适的数字) bits to store one INT value, (?) bits to store a DOUBLE value, and (?) bits to store a UNSIGNED LONG LONG INT value. ^> < Take care and make sure u always write safe code in order to be some what an 'économiste'. #Bye ▪ ---------------分隔符,这行不计入输出----------------- #2

Open FrancoisBlomBrned opened 1 month ago

InsaneHe commented 1 month ago


int main() { printf("This computer is normal but not ZIEMLICH LEDIG. As for the Instruction Set underlied, we now ....... ....... simply know it occupies (? 打印出一个合适的数字) bits to store one INT value, (?) bits to store a DOUBLE value, and (?) bits to store a UNSIGNED LONG LONG INT value. ^> < Take care and make sure u always write safe code in order to be some what an 'économiste'. #Bye ▪");

return 0;


You mean like this?

FrancoisBlomBrned commented 1 month ago

not really, it may requières us to spend some time googling "how to find the space(size) allocated for int, long, long long using c and cpp code"

output format could also be like this:

int occupies (10000000???) Bytes, long occupies (2000000???) Bytes