InsanityBringer / PiccuEngine

Descent 3: Piccu Engine, a version of the game Descent 3 focused on quality-of-life improvements.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Clipping geometry problem #24

Open Sol1vaN opened 2 months ago

Sol1vaN commented 2 months ago

Hi there! Great update 1.1! many thanks Many years ago I've discovered a problem with some clipping popups, that appears some times in some places.

Here I show what happens exactly:

Here is another example, in a tunnel place:

If you look the video, you'll notice that the animated texture (red shield force) have a clipping problem. Also, in both sides of the scene (left and right) appears a geometry that correspond to terrain map.

It seems is a problem between FOV, clipping, LOD geometry, and the geometry out of the camera.

I hope you can fix this some day. But right now, PE 1.1 are perfect!

Many thank Insanity!!!