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Extract ID of objects in each cluster #100

Open DiogoAFernandes opened 6 years ago

DiogoAFernandes commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone,

Following today's class, using the CTree and Rpart models, we get the segments with various likelihoods (the tree analysis).

In a business context, we would like to target them based on the likelihoods (e.g. campaigns, etc) depending on the business context itself. However, I am not sure on how would we then extract the IDs of each individual/object in each "cluster" that comes out of the model? This would be required in order to then act upon the model results...

Thank you.


VivianZhang0721 commented 6 years ago

We will learn clustering later in class and there should be more suitable functions for your need if you want to find clusters of customers to target.