InseeFrLab / onyxia

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Onyxia web env variable BACKGROUND_ASSET do not hide background on terms of services page #810

Closed slim0 closed 1 month ago

slim0 commented 2 months ago


We found out that setting the env variable "BACKGROUND_ASSET" to false in onyxia web do not hide the background image on the "terms and conditions" page (in onyxia keycloak theme). It works well on the login page by the way.


garronej commented 2 months ago


I don't quite get what's going on.

I wasn't able to reproduce unfortunately.
Can you show me what you're getting in the localStorage?

slim0 commented 1 month ago

My bad, this is on the next page. The one that is asking to verify the email.

Capture d’écran 2024-05-24 à 09 03 15

Capture d’écran 2024-05-24 à 09 01 31
garronej commented 1 month ago

Ok now that makes sense!

garronej commented 1 month ago

I foud the error. Fixing, thanks for reporting

garronej commented 1 month ago

Fixed in latest version!