InsertKoinIO / koin-annotations

Koin Annotations - About Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform
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Allow annotating external module dependencies for fine-grained opt-out from compile checks. #95

Open Jadarma opened 8 months ago

Jadarma commented 8 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When enabling the KOIN_CONFIG_CHECK flag, the compiler will check the modules for completeness at compile time, which is great. However, I have encountered a gotcha when working with Ktor.

I would like to be able to build dependencies based on the application config, such as a database connection:

class DatabaseModule {

    @Single(createdAtStart = true)
    fun database(config: ApplicationConfig): Database = Database.connect("db.url").getString()

Since Ktor applications are scoped, there is no place to get the config from globally (and would also make it painful to test), so I register the config at the time of installing the Koin feature and have a reference to the environment:

fun Application.configureDI() {
    install(Koin) {
        modules(module(createdAtStart = true) {
            single { environment.config }

This works perfectly at runtime, but the compilation now fails because KSP can't know that I will provide a separate module with the dependency at runtime or not.

Describe the solution you'd like I do not want to disable the entire KSP checks for this one workaround. Instead, I would like to have an annotation that allows me to opt out of a check for a particular inject, and that it should just assume that it is available when validating the rest of the module.

This would document in code that I intentionally defined an external dependency and I am aware that I am responsible for ensuring its runtime availability, something like:

class DatabaseModule {

    @Single(createdAtStart = true)
    fun database(@External config: ApplicationConfig): Database = Database.connect("db.url").getString()

Describe alternatives you've considered I have tried to see if it is possible to pass the config as a constructor parameter to the module, but code generation does not like it, and it makes sense since that would break the @Module(includes = []) feature, which expects a class reference with a no-args constructor.

I also tried to include the config module into the database module programatically, and while it works at runtime, it is again too late because the issue happens at compile time.

Target Koin project Koin Annotations

arnaudgiuliani commented 5 months ago

Still wondering why you can't access a definition that would be included in your Koin ktor app module?

Or is it more here a problem of mixing Annotated/DSL config?

Jadarma commented 5 months ago

is it more here a problem of mixing Annotated/DSL config?


I can access the definition at runtime, and everything works as expected from a DI point of view. The issue is static compile checks enabled by KOIN_CONFIG_CHECK only scan in the context of a @Module and since I cannot get an instance of Ktor's ApplicationConfig from a global context, only from an instance of Application, I cannot register it directly in the module and must therefore provide it via the DSL, where I do have access to it.

While this mixing of annotations and DSL would work at runtime, the KOIN_CONFIG_CHECK does not know when, where, how, and if I will provide a dependency via the DSL and correctly reports it, failing the compilation. However, that leaves me no workaround other than to disable the checks entirely, which is why I proposed the @External or similar mechanism to allow me to tell the plugin: "Yes, I know this might fail at runtime, but I explicitly made sure to configure it in the DSL, treat this as a false positive", while still having it check everything else for actual user error.

arnaudgiuliani commented 5 months ago

ok, something that would be "ignored" for safety check

cmdjulian commented 3 months ago

I have the same problem :(

steve1rm commented 1 month ago

I am having a similar issue here

arnaudgiuliani commented 6 days ago

the global idea is accepted. Don't know yet if we can call it @External or something else. I keep you posted.

igorwojda commented 4 days ago

Same issue here - It would be good to have a way to exclude certain deps from compiler checks