InsertKoinIO / koin

Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform
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Cannot run on iOS #1874

Closed robertmktg closed 1 month ago

robertmktg commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug When running on iOS I am receiving this error

error: Could not find "co.touchlab:stately-concurrent-collections" in [/Users/robertlevonyan/StudioProjects/inn/countries-kmp, /Users/robertlevonyan/.konan/klib, /Users/robertlevonyan/.konan/kotlin-native-prebuilt-macos-aarch64-1.9.23/klib/common, /Users/robertlevonyan/.konan/kotlin-native-prebuilt-macos-aarch64-1.9.23/klib/platform/ios_simulator_arm64]
error: Compilation finished with errors

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Add koin-compose dependency to your multiplatform project and try to run on iOS emulator

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Koin module and version: koin-compose:3.6.0-wasm-alpha2

charles-mutabazi commented 1 month ago

@robertmktg I was facing the same issue - i installed co.touchlab:stately-common:2.0.5 and fixed my issue, i guess Koin is pulling an outdated version or something idk

robertmktg commented 1 month ago

@charles-mutabazi thanks in fact I needed to add both "co.touchlab:stately-common:2.0.5" and "co.touchlab:stately-concurrent-collections:2.0.6" and also downgrade to 3.6.0-wasm-alpha1