InsertKoinIO / koin

Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform
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Ktor Install(Koin) doesn't trigger createEagerInstances #547

Closed antohaby closed 4 years ago

antohaby commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug When using koin as Ktor feature beans that defined with "createAtStart=true" attribute doesn't actually start.

To Reproduce

  1. Create simple ktor application
  2. Install Koin with any bean with createdAtStart=true and call println for example inside the body.
  3. Start the application
  4. Nothing happened
  5. Get bean explicitly, a message is printed.

Expected behavior Bean has to be created at the start of Ktor application

Koin project used and used version (please complete the following information): koin-core version 2.0.1 koin-ktor version 2.0.1

Cause Installation function ( doesn't trigger createEagerInstances

As for example GlobalContext.startKoin ( does

Workaround Call createEagerInstances() during installation

    install(Koin) {
        // Call after modules are set

Possible fix In Koin.install instead GlobalContext.start(application) use GlobalContext.startKoin(configure)

class Koin {
/* ... */
        override fun install(pipeline: Application, configure: KoinAppDeclaration): Koin {
            pipeline.environment.monitor.subscribe(ApplicationStopping) {
            return Koin()
BorzdeG commented 4 years ago

This bug is fixed at

arnaudgiuliani commented 4 years ago

Let's continue there #548 then 👍