InsideTechnologies / MP-QNAP

QNAP Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager
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MP does not work #1

Open InnaAksenova opened 6 years ago

InnaAksenova commented 6 years ago

I have tried your management pack and it does not work correctly. It seems there are errors in the code itself.

I got the following error messages:

Data item returned no information for parameter '$Data/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value$' Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert for monitor state change. It was possibly caused by incorrect XPATH and will result in monitor unload. Workflow: InsideTechnologies.NetworkDevice.QNAP.ProcessorTemperature.Monitor

Failing replacement: $Data/Context/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[.]/Value$ Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert for monitor state change. It was possibly caused by incorrect XPATH and will result in monitor unload. Workflow: InsideTechnologies.NetworkDevice.QNAP.MemoryUsage.Monitor

Failing replacement: $Data/Context/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[.]/Value$ Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert for monitor state change. It was possibly caused by incorrect XPATH and will result in monitor unload. Workflow: InsideTechnologies.NetworkDevice.QNAP.ProcessorUsage.Monitor

Could you help me to solve this issue, please?

InsideTechnologies commented 6 years ago

Let me check because this version should works without problem. What kind of SCOM version you have?

InnaAksenova commented 6 years ago

I have SCOM 2016.

It seems that there is een error in the code of the syntax is not compatible and needs to be adapted. I could not download a file, I just copied the code and pasted it in the notepad ++ file and saved as xml file with utf-8-Bom encoding.

Many thanks for your reaction!

From: InsideTechnologies [] Sent: mercredi 6 décembre 2017 11:35 To: InsideTechnologies/MP-QNAP Cc: AKSENOVA Inna; Author Subject: Re: [InsideTechnologies/MP-QNAP] MP does not work (#1)

Let me check because this version should works without problem. What kind of SCOM version you have?

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DwayneRyder commented 6 years ago

I appreciate someone trying to write a MP for this as QNAP won't, however I also agree this doesn't work (I'm SCOM 2012R2 still)

I see similar issues

Data item returned no information for parameter '$Data/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value$'

. returns a value so there is no issue there, its definitely a mp issue

Counters work, dashboard doesn't, disk discovery doesn't work, cpu/mem/temp monitors don't work (enabled but not monitored)

we've had disk failures up to complete device failures with no alerts at all.

I know its not monitoring the raid groups to make sure they are actually still there or healthy, so didn't expect that to alert when we had one fail.

DwayneRyder commented 6 years ago

ok the

Data item returned no information for parameter '$Data/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value$'

will be the easiest fix. the reference to

$Data/SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."] is failing as its not one of the snmp var binds.

I'm in the middle of the discovery running after fixing this so you can see two devices working, two not (for this one issue and only this issue)

PS C:> $qnaps = get-scomclass -name "InsideTechnologies.NetworkDevice.QNAP" | get-scomclassinstance PS C:> $qnaps | ft address,disks

[System.NetworkManagement.Node].SNMPAddress [InsideTechnologies.NetworkDevice.QNAP].Disks 16 16

see the number of disks present on the two that have been rediscovered, and not on those that have not.

just changed this in InsideTechnologies.NetworkDevice.QNAP.Discovery.DS (see the second bind)

<SnmpVarBinds> <SnmpVarBind> <OID>.</OID> <Syntax>0</Syntax> <Value VariantType="8" /> </SnmpVarBind> <SnmpVarBind> <OID>.</OID> <Syntax>0</Syntax> <Value VariantType="8" /> </SnmpVarBind> </SnmpVarBinds>

this gave it the data to refer to, the other discoveries have similar issues, however with the item discovery (disks for example) this data is stored in a table and there is no walking enabled on the probe.

Now I really don't know snmp authoring, but as per InnaAksenova's comments this is definitely a code issue. If I can get more time I can look into those as well. If its working in your environment I'd recommend diffing the code base., or history checking for something like this, where the probes may have changed

Regards Dwayne

InsideTechnologies commented 6 years ago

We are working on the issues. in the meantime can you specify what model are you using?

DwayneRyder commented 6 years ago

I've got four ts-ec1679u-rp devices in the environment in question

If you need anything from me to help in this process please let me know.

Regards Dwayne

InnaAksenova commented 6 years ago


We are using QNAP NAS device TVS-EC2480U-SAS-RP.


From: InsideTechnologies [] Sent: jeudi 11 janvier 2018 11:33 To: InsideTechnologies/MP-QNAP Cc: AKSENOVA Inna; Author Subject: Re: [InsideTechnologies/MP-QNAP] MP does not work (#1)

We are working on the issues. in the meantime can you specify what model are you using?

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SteffenBaro commented 6 years ago

Any update on this ?

We have two QNAP TS-1280U and SCOM 1801 and the disks state and the dashboard views are empty. The perfomance rules for cpu temp and usage are working but the state views dont.

InsideTechnologies commented 6 years ago

We are working to fix the majority of issues with SCOM 1801.

SteffenBaro commented 6 years ago

any idea how long it will take ? days, weeks, months ?

InsideTechnologies commented 6 years ago

At least 1 month because in August we are closed for holiday session. BTW, we try to check in this week if the State View issue can be fixed faster.

DwayneRyder commented 6 years ago

As per my earlier comment the issues would appear to be missing/incorrect items in the xml, using scom 2016's tool for converting mibs to management packs it should be relatively simple to re-implement. If we were not actively looking at decommissioning all our qnaps I would have spent the effort fixing/rewriting. If you're in a rush to get these monitored I'd suggest looking there, you could whip something up in an afternoon. If we were looking at maintaining these I could get approval for time and effort to do this, and would share a new sol, or fix this one.

Regards Dwayne

DwayneRyder commented 6 years ago

I would of course much rather fix this one to show appreciation for someone trying, ie doing what the vendor could not be bothered doing.

BTW keep at it InsideTechnologies. I understand how hard it can be to get 'time' for these things, and there are people out there who appreciate the effort, a lot of people don't have the skill set do do this on their own. SCOM can be a very fickle mistress.

SteffenBaro commented 6 years ago

@InsideTechnologies Any update on the fix ?

jeremysherriff commented 5 years ago

Any update on the fixes?