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Memory leak in `itkFreeSurferMeshIOTestBinary` #3772

Closed jhlegarreta closed 1 year ago

jhlegarreta commented 1 year ago


The dashboard is reporting a memory leak in the itkFreeSurferMeshIOTestBinary test:

The leak has been there ever since the test was added in:

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Have Valgrind or a dependable dynamic analysis tool.
  2. Run the itkFreeSurferMeshIOTestBinary test:
  3. Check the memory leak.

Expected behavior

No memory leaks are present.

Actual behavior

The following leak is reported:

UMR ==24113== Syscall param writev(vector[...]) points to uninitialised byte(s)
==24113==    by 0x50D38D2: itk::ByteSwapper::SwapWrite4Range(void const*, unsigned long, std::ostream*) (itkByteSwapper.hxx:367)
==24113==    by 0x50D07A7: itk::ByteSwapper::SwapWriteRangeFromSystemToBigEndian(unsigned int const*, int, std::ostream*) (itkByteSwapper.hxx:160)
==24113==    by 0x50D1FD9: void itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::WriteCells(unsigned int*, std::basic_ofstream >&) (itkFreeSurferBinaryMeshIO.h:147)
==24113==    by 0x50CF1E2: itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::WriteCells(void*) (itkFreeSurferBinaryMeshIO.cxx:481)
==24113==    by 0x144C45: int itkFreeSurferMeshIOTestHelper(itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::Pointer, itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::Pointer, char*, char*, char*, char*, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::SizeValueType, itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::SizeValueType, itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::SizeValueType, itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::SizeValueType) (itkFreeSurferMeshIOTest.cxx:118)
==24113==    by 0x13C881: itkFreeSurferMeshIOTest(int, char**) (itkFreeSurferMeshIOTest.cxx:210)







Additional Information

The only things that I can think of:

Not sure if the MSVC memory leak detector is dependable, as it shows me a leak even if I remove all contents of the test and leave only the instantiation.

I have been willing to resolve this since some time/unwilling to open an issue, but I have spent time trying to investigate this. Having the above issue with the MSVC leak detector I am not able to effectively test my guesses, and the apparently incoherent file opening/closing patterns across the files but the absence of more leaks adds some confusion.

Suggestions are welcome.

issakomi commented 1 year ago

There is, BTW, no memory leak, but uninitialized bytes. Running Valgrind with --track-origins=yes shows the origin of uninitialized memory in ReadCells

==49404==  Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation
==49404==    at 0x484220F: operator new[](unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:640)
==49404==    by 0x16D492: auto itk::make_unique_for_overwrite<unsigned int []>(unsigned long) (itkMakeUniqueForOverwrite.h:67)
==49404==    by 0x173900: itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::ReadCells(void*) (itkFreeSurferBinaryMeshIO.cxx:247)

I looked at the test some time ago and gave up, sorry. I can not open and validate files, also Write() is empty, don't know how to write properly. BTW, FreeSurfer requires license AFAIK (free, but with too much personal information). If there are users of the class, perhaps they could help.

jhlegarreta commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the investigation @issakomi.

==49404== by 0x173900: itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::ReadCells(void*) (itkFreeSurferBinaryMeshIO.cxx:247)

Not sure how to look at that:

issakomi commented 1 year ago

it seems weird that the Valgrind report does not point to that call as well

it will point only with the --track-origins=yes

I shall try to get FreeSurfer license. I want to see that binary mesh first.

N-Dekker commented 1 year ago

maybe @N-Dekker can hit on an idea?

Thanks for asking, Jon. Could it possibly be that the has failed? If fails, the data buffer passed as argument might not be fully initialized. Looking at:

BTW, Instead of calling make_unique_for_overwrite<itk::uint32_t[]> the original code (before my PR #3590 commit 15d09d6c756b46b4d1c296d8bb13b85f82654ef9) just did new itk::uint32_t[this->m_NumberOfCells * numberOfCellPoints], which also would have left the data buffer uninitialized, after a read failure.

issakomi commented 1 year ago

BTW, the fsmeshiosphere.fsa file written by the test (ascii test doesn't fail, no defects) looks like this:

#!ascii version of /home/r/itk/build/Testing/Temporary/fsmeshiosphere.fsa
162    320

The binary file fsmeshiosphere.fsb written by the test (binary test doesn't fail, but with defect) is 29 bytes large.

But the test reports that comparison with original is OK.

There are so many question about the tests and the class, the post would be too long.

issakomi commented 1 year ago
#!ascii version of /home/r/itk/build/Testing/Temporary/fsmeshiosphere.fsa
162    320

OK, i know why, the last write call ITK_TRY_EXPECT_NO_EXCEPTION(fsMeshIO->WriteMeshInformation()); overrides the file, the order is wrong, it should be first call

issakomi commented 1 year ago

I have got the license and installed FreeSurfer (latest release). The results:

sphere.fsa (input file) crashes FreeView, so skipped.

sphere.fsb works

This program produces exactly (also checksum is identical) the same output as input and doesn't have Valgrind defects:

#include "itkFreeSurferBinaryMeshIO.h"
#include "itkMeshIOTestHelper.h"
#include "itkTestingMacros.h"
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  auto fsMeshIO = itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO::New();
  // sphere.fsb: point component type is float, cell component type is uint32,
  // not tested with other files.
  const std::shared_ptr<void> pointBuffer =
    itk::MeshIOTestHelper::AllocateBuffer(fsMeshIO->GetPointComponentType(), 3 * sizeof(float) * fsMeshIO->GetNumberOfPoints());
  const std::shared_ptr<void> cellBuffer =
    itk::MeshIOTestHelper::AllocateBuffer(fsMeshIO->GetCellComponentType(), 3 * sizeof(uint32_t) * fsMeshIO->GetNumberOfCells());
  return 0;

Screenshot at 2022-11-30 20-43-33

Maybe this information will help:

If i comment the line 90 in the test ITK_TRY_EXPECT_NO_EXCEPTION(fsMeshIO->ReadPointData(pointDataBuffer.get())); there is no Valgrind defect, i am not 100% sure, but may be this line ReadPointData() m_InputFile.seekg(m_FilePosition, std::ios::beg); causes the problem, you call ReadCells after.

jhlegarreta commented 1 year ago

Thanks both @issakomi and @N-Dekker. Thanks for the pointers and effort :100:. I'll try to have a look at it in the coming weeks.

issakomi commented 1 year ago

I found FreeSurfer useful for some of my tasks.

sphere.fsa (input file) crashes FreeView, so skipped.

Unfortunately FreeSurferAsciiMeshIO is broken. First. The mesh doesn't look like the class imagine. Points look like 0.000000 0.850651 0.525731 0.000000 It is wrong, FreeSurfer will crash, the 4th component is integer, probably saying "Is in patch" (maybe unused, not yet sure, 0 is safe).

The template

  template <typename T>
  WritePoints(T * buffer, std::ofstream & outputFile, T label = itk::NumericTraits<T>::ZeroValue())

is doing wrong job, it should be

  template <typename T>
  WritePoints(T * buffer, std::ofstream & outputFile, int label = 0)

The same for WriteCells.


Second. FreeView doesn't know extension fsa (assumes binary format and crashes) and fsb, BTW too, but for binary (native) mesh format it doesn't play any role. There is the utility _mrisconvert:

These file formats are supported:
  ASCII:       .asc
  ICO:         .ico, .tri
  GEO:         .geo
  STL:         .stl
  VTK:         .vtk
  GIFTI:       .gii
  MGH surface-encoded 'volume': .mgh, .mgz
Freesurfer binary format assumed for all other extensions.

So ITK's ascii mesh class should be fixed.

Edit: The binary class works, that defect with uninitialized bytes is from the test. The binary test should be reviewed and produce proper outputs, some methods are for curvature data, not for a mesh, e.g. ReadPointData, WritePointData. The class is difficult to use, but works (at least with a mesh, not yet tested with curvature data). With proper usage that Valgrind's uninitialized bytes defect will disappear (it is caused by rewinding the file by the wrong call ReadPointData and later read failure in the following ReadCells call). The ascii test is useless before the class will be repaired, IMHO.


The binary class works

Hmm, works, but among FreeSurfer models there is not a single file with .fsb extension, a user have to know and re-name to use CanReadFile. CanReadFile should be based on magic number, IMHO. 'Curvature data' should be checked (there is no test file and many questions).

jhlegarreta commented 1 year ago

Thanks for all this work @issakomi. Thanks @N-Dekker for having spared a thought as well.