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itkWarningMacro output streams to Jupyter server console (not the notebook) #4690

Open auneri opened 1 month ago

auneri commented 1 month ago


When using itk inside a jupyter notebook, warnings triggered by itkWarningMacro (and possibly others) are streamed to the server console instead of the notebook.

Steps to Reproduce

directory = pathlib.Path('/path/to/dicom/')
filepaths = sorted(directory.glob('*.dcm'))
del filepaths[2]   # remove an image slice from the list to trigger non-uniform sampling warning
reader = itk.ImageSeriesReader.IF3.New()

Expected behavior

The following warning should appear in the notebook:

WARNING: In C:\P\IPP\ITK-source\ITK\Modules\IO\ImageBase\include\itkImageSeriesReader.hxx, line 478
ImageSeriesReader (XXX): Non uniform sampling or missing slices detected,  maximum nonuniformity:XXX

Actual behavior

The warning only appears in the jupyter server console.


Happens every time.


Tested on v5.3 and v5.4.


Tested on Windows 10 and 11.

Additional Information

blowekamp commented 1 month ago

You may find this SimpleITK Example relevant. A similar approach should be possible with ITK Python:

auneri commented 1 month ago

Thanks, that is indeed very relevant. If I understand it correctly, this solution would require a LoggerBase class implemented on the ITK (C++) side.

I also noticed ITK has TextOutput, LoggerOutput, and FileOutputWindow, all derived from OutputWindow. Only OutputWindow is exposed in Python. I wonder if TextOutput would do the job in this case. Something like:

text = itk.TextOutput.New()  # after TextOutput gets wrapped

I even tried defining my own TextOutput class in Python, but was not able to overload methods like DisplayText.

thewtex commented 1 month ago

@N-Dekker are your experiences with logging in elastix relevant here?

N-Dekker commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I don't really know. Looks like itkWarningMacro outputs to standard error (std::cerr) by default, as that's what OutputWindow::DisplayText does. Is it not possible to show standard error output directly in a notebook? And why isn't itk::TextOutput available in Python? Again, I don't know 🤷