InsightSoftwareConsortium / ITKElastix

An ITK Python interface to elastix, a toolbox for rigid and nonrigid registration of images
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register these two dicom file #272

Open tanjia123456 opened 4 months ago

tanjia123456 commented 4 months ago

Hello, I have two Dicom data, how to carry out rigid registration?Or you can register these two to standard space I reported an error with the following code ` import itk


fixed_image = itk.imread("CTA-GAN/PA2/SE1/IM66.IMA") moving_image = itk.imread("CTA-GAN/PA1/SE1/IM66.IMA")

parameter_object = itk.ParameterObject.New() default_rigid_parameter_map = parameter_object.GetDefaultParameterMap('rigid') parameter_object.AddParameterMap(default_rigid_parameter_map) registered_image, params = itk.elastix_registration_method(fixed_image, moving_image, parameter_object=parameter_object,log_to_console=True) `

the error occur: RuntimeError: D:\a\im_skbuild\win-amd64-3.10\cmake-build_deps\elx-src\Core\Main\itkElastixRegistrationMethod.hxx:380: ITK ERROR: ElastixRegistrationMethod(000001D7DA47E920): Internal elastix error: See elastix log (use LogToConsoleOn() or LogToFileOn()).

the version is: itk 5.4rc2 itk-core 5.4rc2 itk-elastix 0.19.1 itk-filtering 5.4rc2 itk-io 5.4rc2 itk-numerics 5.4rc2 itk-registration 5.4rc2 itk-segmentation 5.4rc2

pypi20200320 commented 3 months ago

@tanjia123456 You just not show the Specific error message or the whole error information