InsightSoftwareConsortium / ITKIOOMEZarrNGFF

ITK IO for images stored in OME-Zarr format.
Apache License 2.0
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Experimental "remote module" CMake Error: install includes target which requires tensorstore #66

Open N-Dekker opened 3 weeks ago

N-Dekker commented 3 weeks ago

As an experiment, I tried to see if I could add a remote module to ITKIOOMEZarrNGFF, just by adding a file named "IOOMEZarrNGFF.remote.cmake" to ITK's source subdirectory "Modules\Remote", having:

  "ITK module for IO of images stored in Zarr-backed OME-NGFF file format."
  GIT_TAG 6bb50d206670b2906558ebb47f77ad0e7306a7f0


When I do a CMake Generate of my adjusted version of ITK, after having enabled the remote module, it says:

Configuring done (300.6s) CMake Error: install(EXPORT "ITKTargets" ...) includes target "IOOMEZarrNGFF" which requires target "tensorstore_tensorstore" that is not in any export set. CMake Error: install(EXPORT "ITKTargets" ...) includes target "IOOMEZarrNGFF" which requires target "tensorstore_all_drivers" that is not in any export set. Generating done (85.7s)

How could these errors possibly be avoided?

I guess the issue is related to the target_link_libraries(IOOMEZarrNGFF PRIVATE tensorstore::tensorstore tensorstore::all_drivers) call in

Is there any workaround or possible fix?

dzenanz commented 3 weeks ago

tensorstore, this remote module's main dependency, is big and complicated, with a strange build system. Its CMake-based build system is auto-generated from Bazel, which is its source of truth. CMake being second-class citizen within tensorstore has many strange side-effects. It has been long since I dealt with this, so I don't have any immediate suggestions.

N-Dekker commented 2 weeks ago

For the record, I observed that a local ITKIOOMEZarrNGFF CMake configuration executes the "if(NOT ITK_SOURCE_DIR)" branch, while as remote module, the "else()" branch is executed, from

That does not explain why the remote module does not work, just a single baby step forward 😺