InsightSoftwareConsortium / ITKRemoteModuleBuildTestPackageAction

A composite GitHub Action to build, test, and package, ITK remote modules
Apache License 2.0
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ENH: Use Windows build script to generate Python wheels #29

Closed tbirdso closed 1 year ago

tbirdso commented 1 year ago

Replaces inline Command Prompt build setup procedures in favor of ITKPythonPackage PowerShell script.

Centralizing the Windows Python build procedures in an ITKPythonPackage script will improve ease of maintenance and allow the process to be more easily replicated on a local system for testing.

Testing in ITKSplitComponents with accompanying ITKPythonPackage changes has succeeded:

Depends on changes in ITKPythonPackage:

tbirdso commented 1 year ago

Updated itk-python-package-tag to reference merge commit. Will validate one more time in ITKSplitComponents before merge.

EDIT: Testing at

EDIT2: Windows Python packages are passing 🟢